Thursday, 16 February 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful- week 2

I think very few people really appreciate how lucky they are.  I mean take the time every day to stop and think about what is great in their lives.  This is my favourite blog hop as it forces me to do just this.  This week I am very cheerful.

1. I have won several things this week.  Nothing big, but the buzz of winning £1 on a scratchcard makes my day more cheerful. 

2. On a similar note, I am waiting for fluffy post thanks to the wonderful people at Tots Bots HQ who have sent me the new easyfit to try out before it hits the shops. Anything that fuels my cloth nappy addiction is reason to be cheerful, although I would be even more cheerful if the postman turned up sometime soon!

3. My sister is going to Uganda in the summer for two weeks.  I love to travel, and want her to have amazing experiences in her life, so it makes me happy that she is coming out of her comfort zone, and trying something new.  

4.  With the exception of last night, the baby is sleeping soooo much better than he has been, which has done wonders for the bags under my eyes.  I would be ever so grateful if he could continue doing this for. . . well forever!

I hope everyone else is having a cheerful week!


  1. Great reasons and love your generosity of spirit

  2. Ohh babies in real nappies - so adorable. Hope you enjoy your fluffy post!

    Mich x

  3. Ooh real nappies, I'm thinking about trying them this time round (No.2 is due in Aug)

  4. We love the real nappies, can't wait to tell you more about our fluffy post! Try them Emma!

  5. Hope you are enjoying the extra sleep!


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