Thursday, 23 May 2019

What the Kids Wore // Reima

I very rarely dress the children entirely matching because their personalities and style is just so different that there is very little they all suit but I love co-ordinating them and finding things that look a bit similar or in the same print, partly because they look fun but also because it makes tracking down a lost child a lot easier! I usually have them in at least the same colour for travelling and airports!

I am going to be working with Reima this year, a brand we have loved for years since we first discovered their amazing ski wear and all four children needed a raincoat for the spring so I couldn't resist getting them matching coats in different colours. It means they still get to look unique but they look like a walking rainbow when they are together and I know the quality is outstanding.

All the coats are completely waterproof, windproof and dirt-repellent as well as being lightweight and fleece lined and perfect for spring showers or autumn winds.  (You can see all Reima's softshell collection here).  It has been wonderfully sunny this past week but I don't trust the weather not to change and these sizes should take them through to next Autumn at least! Reima sizing is based on height rather than age and all four children are wearing the size that corresponds to their height with just the right amount of growing room!

You will be seeing lots more pictures of the children in Reima clothing over the coming year and not just their outerwear! We are looking forward to trying out their swimwear and casual clothing too!

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Sunday, 12 May 2019

5 Ways We Recycle Outside of the Council Bins

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Those are the first rules for looking after our planet and her resources. For the things I haven't managed to reduce or re-use, I am looking for ways to recycle and these are five ways I recycle outside of the council provided bins

We use the food bin for cooked food, meat and dairy but we have our own compost bin in the kitchen and a big compost bin in the garden for fruit and veg scraps, toast crusts, used coffee, garden waste, hair I have pulled from the hairbrush and brown paper. It means there is less in our council food waste and that we have wonderfully rich compost each year for planting seeds and looking after our garden.

Terracycle operate recycling schemes for certain products and they collect them up to make them into garden furniture, water cans and other things. We collect crisp packets for one programme and they pay a small amount of money to Archie's school for each box we send in. I am in charge of collecting them up from the school and friends to send in a big box. There are other schemes including biscuit wrappers, trigger heads for cleaning sprays, babyfood pouches and more and you can check out the Terracycle website to find your local drop off.

All of our clothes get reused or recycled including those that are heavily stained. The charity shops do accept damaged clothing that they can sell as 'rags' but I also cut up the school polo shirts that are so far past useable to use as wipes around the kitchen and in the house.  All outgrown clothing is recycled or reused though and we never put any in the bins.

Did you know that anywhere that sells batteries has to accept them back? All shops that sell batteries of any kind will have somewhere you can return used ones and the shop will send them back to be recycled. This isn't just Tesco, this is your local corner shop too and some schools even have battery recycling points.

Based in Portsmouth is a company that collects milk bottle lids, breaks them down into plastic pellets and makes children's toys with them. It isn't local for everyone and I don't know if there are other companies doing this around the country but we save our milk bottle lids and pass them on to someone who visits Portsmouth and takes them with her. You can find out more here.

We are so far from perfect but we are trying to recycle wherever possible to help reduce the amount of plastic that goes in  our black bin. Next up is looking into ecobricks! Do you have any great recycling tips?

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