To my gorgeous boy,
Just as I wrote you a letter
before you turned one, and
before you turned two, I find myself here knowing that when we wake up, you will be three. In the past year you have left the toddler days behind and you are excited and eager for something more. Preschool beckons along with an independence from me that I am still reluctant to give.
As I put you to bed each night, and we sit on your dark blue bean bag and read a bed time story, I am already seeing changes. The days where you sat cuddled in, listening intently to every line on every page have gone. Now you pick the same stories every night, because you know them. You can think of new questions to ask, new 'whys', and you can ask to read more words yourself. You still have the same love for stories as ever, but you want to be a part of them now, not just a listener.
When you were potty training earlier this year, I used to tell you stories. Between the two of us we made up a whole series of books, about Dylan, his friend Oscar and the huge castle that they lived in. The first one was all mine, a way to make you sit still, but after that you wouldn't just listen. You would interrupt to add bits in, or change the details and eventually it would be you telling me a story.
You love adventure, and find it everywhere, from the obstacle course at the park to underneath a blanket huddled with your brother. You seek friends wherever you go and are such a sociable boy. If we go to the park without your friends, you find an older child who will have a conversation with you, and play games with you. I know how ready you are for preschool and I know that you are going to love the new backpack and lunch box that Mummy and Daddy have got you for your birthday.
As a two year old you were cheeky, curious, chatty and cautious. You are not yet riding a bike, scooting round or climbing to the top of the playground, but you are confident and I have no doubts that you will get there soon enough. You are a (mostly) loving big brother, always checking on Archie, and sharing with him so well. You don't always get along, but hearing the two of you in fits of giggles together is priceless, and I remember that the best gift we have given you is your mini sidekick. Archie brings out a different side of you too, as your personalities are so different, you become more daring, more silly and more cheeky around him.
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