Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The May Bank Holiday Weekend

The May bank holidays are very often hit or miss with the weather and I was so relieved to see the sun shining brightly over the recent weekend.  The bloke spent four days in Brussels and so the littles and I spent lots of time with their Grandma, Grandpa, Aunty and Uncle.  I always think of bank holidays as being about family time and this one was no exception.

grandson, grandma, beach cuddles

We are incredibly lucky to live so close to the beach and after a quick pop to the shops and lunch in the garden we headed down to the seaside for sandcastles, shell sorting and sunbathing.  My parents have jumped straight into their role as grandparents and seem in their element playing with the boys.  They have so much time and love to give them, I just love to watch them together. With Dylan's ever improving vocabulary, he is so much fun and he absolutely adores his 'Manma' and 'Bumpa'.  Archie is still small but has enough cuddles for everyone.

beach view, minnis bay

baby laughing, grandson and grandma, debenhams baby clothes
You're so funny Grandma!

Archie had special smiles for the special people in his life and the sea air definitely did him good as we had the best night's sleep after our day outdoors.  Dylan also managed a glorious lie in on Tuesday morning which was much appreciated by all!

toddler on beach, debenhams toddler clothes

Debenhams childrenswear

debenhams kidswear, Archie, baby beach

After a busy afternoon building sandcastles, collecting shells which were then washed and sorted, exploring, chatting, playing, snoozing, sunbathing, walking and laughing, we sat outside our beach hut for a good old fish and chips tea.  I took home two very exhausted boys and I can't say I had much more energy myself.  A beautiful bank holiday spent with some very beautiful people.

The boys were sent some clothes from Debenham's Childrenswear which they are wearing, Archie was in a gorgeous romper and Dylan in some lovely sail boat shorts.  I love the nautical theme and they were the perfect outfits for our beach day.

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Monday, 27 May 2013

Breastfeeding buddies

The only things that you NEED for breastfeeding are boobs and a baby.  There are however an amazing selection of products to make life easier for mother and baby at such an important time, and I wanted to share some of the products that we have been using on our breastfeeding journey

  • A Good Nursing Bra
Your boobs will go on a journey all of their own during pregnancy and afterwards and it is well worth investing in some good support.  I was sent a couple of bras and a vest from Bravado and I can really feel the difference that a well fitted and supportive nursing bra makes.  They are easy to un-clip to feed discreetly which is very important to me because as proud as I am to be breastfeeding my son, I prefer to stay covered up.  I love the vest for sleeping in as it is easy access and the supported section keeps breastpads in place.

  • Muslins
Muslins are my absolute most important baby accessory.  I use them as pram sheets, burping cloths, sun covers, makeshift bibs, nappy inserts and breastfeeding covers.  There are a lot of fancy covers out there but I have mastered the art of a muslin tucked into my bra strap and fanned out to cover my feeding baby.  They are thin and breathable and I have literally hundreds of them!  Over the winter (and spring/autumn) a scarf is also a great cover and looks so discreet.  Just use the tail to cover babies head and nobody will even notice what you are doing half the time!

  • Nursing Clothes
I have a huge selection of cheap vests that I wear under everything so that I never have to expose that post baby bulge.  I pull my T-shirt up and the vest down meaning that nothing unnecessary is exposed.  There are some occassions though where I just want to wear a dress or something pretty so It is definitely worth investing in a few key pieces.  Keungzai do some gorgeous dresses that last through pregnancy, nursing and beyond and they are beautifully soft.  I was sent one at the end of my pregnancy and it still feels like new!

  • Bottles
This may not make complete sense, but eventually you will want to leave your baby, even if it is for only a few hours and it is best to leave them something to drink incase they get hungry.  I have always found hand expressing easier than using a pump but I still need a steriliser and bottles for feeding the little man my expressed milk.  Tommee Tippee sent me their complete starter kit which has everything you need for bottle feeding and more than enough for breastfeeding.  Archie took a tommee tippee bottle last week straight away and the kit comes with the different flow teats so it will see him through to a sippy cup.

  • Nursing Pillow
I never bothered with one of these with Dylan but have found it very helpful with the second baby.  It fits round my middle and I can rest Archie on there whilst I feed, meaning that my arms don't ache after a long feed with a heavy baby.  I have found it great if I need two hands to play with Dylan as I can rest Archie on the Mombo pillow and open a lid/do a puzzle/ read a book with my hands free.  The Mombo pillow has two sides, one firm for feeding and a softer one for play with a vibrate function too, so as Archie starts learning to sit, we will use it as a back support.  At the moment Dylan loves sitting in it to eat his lunch but hopefully Archie will get a go as well!

  • Breastpads
Disposable or reusable, these are quite important for a breastfeeding mum, and I have gone down the reusable route this time, finding them more comfortable and much cheaper.  You need enough for everyday and everynight use for the first few months but I find that as time goes on I do need them less and less.

What are your 'must-have' buys for breastfeeding?

Disclaimer:  I  was sent some items that are featured in this post free of charge, however all thoughts and opinions are completely my own.
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15 Things I Love

I love getting into a bed when the sheets have just been changed.  Especially if they are white.

I love watching Dylan dance

I love travelling on a train by myself, reading a good book, staring out the window and just being in my own company.

I love creme eggs, no matter what time of year.

I love long walks along the seafront.

I love having coca cola and cake  in our favourite cafe.

I love listening to Archie's perfect little laugh.

I love watching my babies interact with each other.

I love slippers (all year round) and have a pair in every room so I never have to search for them.

I love writing

I love making memories, and taking photographs in-case we ever forget those special little details.

I love to daydream

I love wearing Archie in a sling as I get to spend the whole day cuddling him.

I love the face Dylan pulls when you ask him to smile.

I love my slightly silly, ever so gorgeous and completely crazy family.

Linking up to the lovely Becky at the Ar Blog
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Thursday, 23 May 2013

A Little Cup of Perfection

I couldn't resist taking Archie for a newborn photo shoot and I also can't resist sharing my favourite snap with you here. 

This is my beautiful baby at 8 days old as photographed by the very lovely and very talented Kidz-Unlimited

This is why we had such a problem choosing a name other than 'Squish'  - Look at those gorgeous squishy cheeks!

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Wednesday, 22 May 2013

3 Months In

3 months does not sound long, but it is already a quarter of a year and compared to the squishy little newborn we brought home from the hospital, my beautiful son is growing so fast.

3 months old, 3 month old baby boy, newborn baby boy, 3 months in

Archie is awake for most of the day, having a few 30 minute cat-naps to see him through, although he does sleep better if we are out in the pushchair or sling.  He will still only settle on his tummy, even in the pram and as the weather has been warming up and the pram apron coming off he does get some funny looks as he passes with his little bum in the air.  Archie still likes to sleep like a newborn and curls his arms and legs underneath him and tucks his head in.  He really loves to feel secure and is happiest in a sling where he can indulge his nosey side whilst staying wrapped up tight with mummy.

Matching vests, firetruck vests, brothers matching

Dylan and Archie are still getting on so well and I love watching Dylan lie down next to 'Bubba' to hold his hand and give him kisses.  He loves to help wash his little brother when they share a bath and helps out during nappy changes too.  Dylan isn't always gentle with Archie but it is more through excitement than anything else and Archie watches on without making a fuss.  It is lovely to see them together and I can already see that Archie is desperate to join in with play and be on the move like his big brother.

baby boys, brothers holding hands

Archie is growing so fast and his height is constantly commented on.  He is nearly out of his 3-6 month clothes because of his length although I am desperately hanging on.. 

Our nights this month have been all over the place, with a week of Archie sleeping 7-4 without waking, followed by a week of him waking at 2am and refusing to go back to sleep until 6am (incredibly tiring!).  This last week has seen him sleep from 7 until around 12:30 and then be up multiple times before ending up in bed with me from around 4am, as the only way to keep him asleep is to have him constantly latched on.  It is at 3 months that Dylan found his thumb and his sleep started to improve so I am keeping my fingers crossed that Archie will discover that magic digit soon.

brothers, two under two, brotherly love

Archie has really worked out how to use his hands now and loves to sit in his bouncer and play with the toys.  He can play the music and loves to grab and push the animals. He still loves to look at my face more than anything else and loves to have a chat with me.  He cooes away with a big smile on his face when we get a bit of quiet time alone and it is lovely watching him learn to interact.  I think I am going to have another chatterbox on my hands!

3 months in to life as a family of four and having two under two is certainly getting easier as we have all adjusted to the changes. 

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Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Grown Up Style

I have spent a busy weekend sorting out my wardrobe, and painful as it was, I now have several bags of clothes to take to the charity shop.  It turns out that the last time I cleared out my wardrobe was quite some time ago and as well as having two children in those years, I have also changed body size, body shape and style.  I am no longer a carefree student but a mother of two.

I don't believe that being a parent should change the way I dress, but it does.  Some things just aren't practical any more and some things I just feel far too old for.  Although I still love to throw on a pair of baggy jeans and a slogan T-shirt, or a little summer skirt and vest, I now have to check that what I wear is easy to breastfeed in and is practical for running round after a toddler and bending down to pick him up.

My staple winter wardrobe appears to be skinny jeans, vest, and baggy jumper and whilst it is certainly comfortable, the 'me' of five years ago would have found it incredibly boring.  My summer style is looking to be pretty summer dresses with cropped leggings or vests and shorts, so that I can happily keep up with my troublesome duo.

It is inevitable that our style will change as we grow up, and sadly my days of cropped tops are long gone ( thanks to the two 8lb+ babies I carried!)  but I am determined not to dress old before my time.  My wardrobe now resembles something more fitting for my lifestyle rather than looking like I am still at Uni, and I am wondering whether I should buy a few bits to fill all the empty hangars now?!

Have you found your style has naturally evolved since becoming a parent or do you still dress the same as ever?

Disclaimer: Sponsored Post
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Sunday, 19 May 2013

JJ Cole Changing Bag Review

With a double pushchair not always being practical, my love of babywearing has grown and I often take a single pushchair and alternate between Archie in a sling and Dylan walking.  As Dylan can go further and further on foot, we occasionally venture out hands free and it feels quite liberating to not have a pushchair with me.  

It does mean I have nowhere to hang the bags though and finding a bag that is compatible with babywearing is not always easy.  I have recently been sent the JJ Cole Mode bag to review and it is the perfect answer.  

It comes with 3 options, a long cross body strap, two clips to attach onto the pushchair (an option I love for single handle buggies as the bag doesn't slide down), and two long shoulder straps, that are significantly longer than other handbags I have used.  These longer straps are perfect for babywearing as you don't end up with the bag uncomfortably tight under your shoulder.

The bag has plenty of compartments for all your needs (12 in fact), and a changing mat and is made of a very handy wipe-clean canvas material.  As well as being incredibly practical, it also looks fantastic and comes in a gorgeous grey woodland design.

I highly recommend this changing bag as it looks and feels high quality and has enough pockets to stay organised even with two little ones in nappies!  The bag retails at £45 and you can buy it here.

Disclaimer:  I was provided with this bag for the purpose of a review but all thoughts and opinions are completely my own.
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Friday, 17 May 2013

'That Mum'

 I am 'that mum'. 

The one who dresses her children in silly outfits for her own pleasure.  I know full well that by the time they reach their teens they may hate me for all the photos, but I am hoping that it gives me a bit of levarage when we are battling about homework to threaten to expose the picture of them as a baby in bunny ears.

I doesn't help that there are so many gorgeous little outfits out there nowadays.  

If we were not supposed to dress our babies up then they really shouldn't sell these things!

What are your views on babies in silly outfits?

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Monday, 13 May 2013

A Mile in Memory of Matilda Mae

This weekend we visited the Rare Breeds Centre in Kent to join in on a sponsored walk in memory of a beautiful little girl, Matilda Mae who was found sleeping at only 9 months old.

We Joined Matilda's family and friends to walk a mile in memory through the beautiful bluebell lined paths around the park and it was wonderful to see so many people come together to celebrate a life.  We helped raise money for the Lullaby trust who provide support for families affected by cot death.

Dylan walked with Grandma and Grandpa
The rain held off and after our mile, we blew bubbles up to Matilda.  We met the animals on the farms, we played in the park and we enjoyed a family day out. The only thing missing was Matilda Mae.

If you would like to donate, you can do so on  Matilda Mae's just giving page 
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Sunday, 12 May 2013

Aldi Mamia

I have to admit that until recently, I had never shopped in Aldi.  There is no particular reason for this, I have heard nothing good or bad about the supermarket and it is just as local as the other major competitors.  I was invited along to an event to have a look at the Aldi Mamia range and I was curious to see exactly how their products would compare to the major brands.

Aldi sell
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Friday, 10 May 2013


Becoming a family of four means giving each of my boys a best friend

This post is an entry into Limetree's family happiness competition
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The Hard Days

Not every day is easy.  

Sometimes I wake up in a bad mood, Archie is having a growth spurt or Dylan has too much energy and doesn't know how to express it.

Sometimes we get hungry or tired and take it out on each other instead.

Sometimes we struggle to communicate.

Sometimes there are tears and tantrums.

Sometimes I count down the hours until bedtime.

Sometimes all I need is five minutes to myself and there are two tiny people preventing this.

Sometimes I witness a special moment that takes away the stress of a hard day and reminds me of the wonderful people that I share my life with.

daddy reading to boys, father and sons, father reading to children
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Preparing the Nursery

At 11 weeks, Archie is one long baby boy, and we are starting to think about moving him into his own room.

He is looking a little squished in the crib and he is such a light sleeper that we end up creeping in to bed by the light of our phone torches.  Dylan was only 12 weeks when he went into his own room due to the same reasons and he slept much better once he had more space and was not interrupted.

My plan was always to have Archie's bedroom ready before he was born, as I did not envisage much time for painting and decorating once he arrived and with two under two I have to admit that the last thing I want to do once they are in bed is be painting the little man's nursery.  Luckily I had time to paint the walls, get the new carpet in and build the nursery furniture before the birth.

All the groundwork is done and I have wall art and bedding sorted, but the room has still not come together.  We still have not decided on whether to go for curtains or blinds.  Web Blinds have some fantastic black out blinds (and I credit Dylan's late morning lie-ins to these ), or we could get some curtains that fit the theme of the room.

I still want a few little decorations to make the room complete and we still need to purchase the rather important cot mattress too but I am hoping that by the end of the month, the little guy will have his very own beautiful nursery ready for him. (A full nursery tour will be up as soon as it is finished)  I want to keep him in with us for as long as possible but it won't be long before he is touching both ends of the crib!

When did you move your child into their own room?

Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored Post
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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

A Family Photo

I never realised quite how difficult it would be to get a photo of four people looking the same way until we attempted a family photo.  

So here we are
My beautiful family. 
Looking away, mid sentence and with an impressive double chin from the baby.
Enjoying the sunshine
Being Us.
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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

The Cavendish Hotel Review

Travelling with children can be just a little stressful and with two under two we make sure everything is well planned out if we are going anywhere further than the next town.  We recently got the chance to review the luxury London hotel, - The Cavendish and I was very apprehensive about taking the two littles into central London and interested to see how the hotel coped with our crazy little family.

We arrived into London by train and armed with the double pushchair took a stroll to the hotel.  It is situated in a gorgeous area and right opposite Fortnum and Masons (which I had somehow never heard of before!) On entering the lobby we were greeted with friendly smiles and warm welcomes and met by the manager.  

Our Suite

We had been given the Junior Suite on the top floor  (15th), however the lift only went as far as the 14th floor so the staff offered to bring the pushchair up to our room or store it downstairs for us.  We chose the latter option and they had it ready within seconds every time we wanted to leave the hotel.  The panoramic view from the top floor was stunning and it was wonderful to point out so many iconic places to Dylan.

The View

On entering the room all other sounds were drowned out by Dylan's loud cries of 'WOWEE' as he took in the huge bed,  the sofas, the large flat screen TV, the amazing black recliner, the Nespresso machine and the colouring packs left out for him.  The friendly housekeeping staff arranged the two cots for us and left us with hooded towels and soft white bibs for the boys, to match the luxury dressing gowns and slippers that were laid out for us.  I was really appreciative of these extra touches as bibs and baby towels were top of the list of things that I had forgotten to pack!

Child Friendly

Dylan needed some quiet time and had a cuddle on the sofa watching cbeebies whilst we explored the room.  Archie seemed very impressed with a life of luxury and made himself quite at home on the soft sheets.

As it approached late afternoon we made the most of the room service and rang for the complimentary warm milk and cookies for Dylan.  This was yet another way that they proved to be well prepared for toddlers although the drink did come served in a cup and saucer which wasn't all that practical for a 20 month old.  Luckily the little man's cup did make it into the bags.

Eating out with the boys is not always the most relaxing experience and I was dreading a full blown tantrum in the middle of a nice restaurant.

  When we arrived at dinner we were shown to a lovely corner table, meaning that we wouldn't be disrupting anyone and there was plenty of space for Archie in his carrycot without worrying that he would be tripped over.  It also gave me privacy for breastfeeding and Dylan had a window to look out of.  The staff sorted out a booster seat for Dylan and provided him with toddler cutlery.  I absolutely loved this touch and have to admit that this is the first time that he has ever been catered for in this way (despite us eating at many family friendly restaurants .  This meant that he ate his dinner nicely rather than getting fed up and digging in with his hands.  Dylan's meal came out with our starter and his breaded plaice, chips and peas looked and tasted delicious.  It was lovely to see child friendly options that they love and recognise, but locally sourced and properly cooked.

Our meals were beautifully presented and exquisite and (thanks to Dylan devouring his meal so well) not shared!  The chicken roulade was one of the best meals I have ever eaten and we returned to our room feeling well fed and very impressed on how relaxed our meal was.  The little things can make such a big difference and the way the staff included and catered for Dylan ensured everyone enjoyed the experience.

After bath time, we put the boys to bed in their cots and they both went to sleep quite fast.  The benefit of the junior suite is that they could snooze in darkness at one end of the room, whilst the bloke and I stayed up with the lights on at the other end and didn't disrupt them. I would certainly recommend upgrading to this suite if it is an option as we have been trapped in a dark room playing cards by the light of our mobile phones far too many times!

I enjoyed a lovely hot bubble bath whilst the bloke had a shower and we had a lovely evening without distractions together.  Getting up in the morning was my least favourite part of the hotel stay as I could have slept in that bed forever, it was so comfortable.  

Breakfast was quite possibly the highlight of my visit and I enjoyed a smoked salmon and scrambled egg muffin freshly made and delivered to my table alongside the full English, pastries, continental meats and cheese, fresh fruit, yoghurts and selection of juices.  Dylan looked rather confused as to why he was being served dinner first thing in the morning but didn't hold back when I provided him with a bowl of fresh strawberries, raspberries, pineapple and melon.  

Check out was a painless process and the staff again talked to Dylan and helped us with bags and the buggy.      I cannot praise the hotel enough for how welcome they made us and how accomodating they were for the two littlest members of the party.  The little touches made such a huge difference and I would highly recommend the Cavendish to anyone travelling to London with small children as they really did make the whole experience so much less stressful than I anticipated!

I need this chair in my life!

Disclaimer:  Our stay at the hotel was complimentary for the purpose of this review, as was our dinner and breakfast.  All thoughts and opinions are completely my own.
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Monday, 6 May 2013

A Beautiful Place to Be

There are of course, certain things I would change about where I live, but there is so much that I just wouldn't have any other way and  I have ended up settling down only 5 miles from the house I grew up in.  My family are close and I still see friends from both primary and secondary school.  I know the area like the back of my hand and there are some really beautiful parts.

My little town alone has numerous parks, three children's centres and a beautiful sandy beach.  We have shops, cafes and restauraunts and are surrounded by people we love.  As spring appears to finally have arrived, we have been enjoying staying exactly where we are and making the most of our town.

This weekend has seen a fair arrive to the green on the cliff top and we went exploring as a family.  Dylan loved the merry-go-round and fishing for ducks and Archie. . . well Archie had a lovely nap in the sling!

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Sunday, 5 May 2013

Fisher Price Discover'n'Grow Bouncer Chair Review

Archie is a rather nosy baby and is no longer content spending his waking hours on his back.  He loves to look around and watch the world go by and with a noisy toddler around, he gets a full on sensory experience!  Fisher Price have sent us one of their Discover'N'Grow Bouncer and Archie has been loving his new chair.

fisher price discover'n'grow activity bouncer chair, 10 week old boy in bouncer chair
Checking out the Giraffe

The chair comes with two removable arms that have toys well within the child's reach so that as soon as they start batting at things they can play.  One side has a musical feature when you move the arm and plays alternating music and animal sounds.  Archie seems to rather like the giraffe, and Dylan is desperate to play with the penguin.  

The bouncer also has a vibrate function which is genius for soothing and calming a baby.  Archie loves this feature although only for a few minutes but it is great to pop on whilst I am making lunch as I know he will be content in his chair for a while.

Fisher price discover'n'grow, bouncer chair, baby activity chair, 10 week old baby boy

We have been busy putting this bouncer to the test for a few weeks now and we can definitely recommend it.  The harness ensures safety, the design is fun and engaging and Archie loves his new view on the world.  We have been chilling in the garden this week and he loves being able to watch his big brother play from the safety of his bouncer.

The only criticism I have is that there is no off switch for the music.  Although it is only set off by movement of the arm and so doesn't play music without input, I do like to be able to turn things off at the end of the day.

Fisher price discover'n'grow, bouncer chair, baby in garden, side view bouncer chair

The Discover'n'grow bouncer retails at £49.99 and is suitable from birth until the child can sit unaided or reaches 25lb (whichever is first).  It requires and AAA and a D battery which are not included.

Disclaimer:  We were sent this bouncer for the purpose of a review but all thoughts and opinions are completely my own.
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Friday, 3 May 2013

10 Reasons I Love being a Mummy

Being a parent is one of the hardest, yet possibly the most rewarding jobs in the world and I could spend all day coming up with reasons why I love it.  Here are my top ten reasons that I love being a Mum:

Morning Smiles
Somehow, all the tired tantrums of the day before and the constant night feeds are forgotten and forgiven when I see those cheeky little grins in the morning. I can't think of a better way to start the day.

Newborn Snuggles
A newborn baby curled up asleep on your tummy is one of the best feelings in the world.  Falling asleep with them cuddled up is priceless and now that I know how fast these early days go, I am enjoying my snuggles with Archie even more

newborn snuggles, mummy and son, mother and son asleep, newborn baby, the essential ones

Some people hate it, some people do it purely for the health benefits and some just love it.  I am in the latter category and I love the closeness, the cuddles and the fact that only I can fulfil this need for my baby boy.  Breastfeeding also burns 500 calories per day which is a giant bonus!

The Excuse to be a Big Kid
Suddenly it is completely acceptable to splash in puddles, roll down a hill and spend the day building sandcastles.  There is an inner child in me that has never grown up and I love being able to be silly, sporadic and  get messy with the boys.

toddler football

The Pride
No matter where we are going, I feel myself standing taller when I push my gorgeous children around.  I am so proud of the beautiful babies that I made and I love to show the world.

Watching the Bloke
Not only do I get to be a mummy to two beautiful boys, I get to share the journey with my best friend and watch him become a father.  I get to witness the bond between him and his sons and see them learning about each other every day.

three generations, father and son, grandfather and son, seaside walk

Now I know this isn't for everyone, but I appear to have a bit of a buggy obsession, and I love checking out the gorgeous new designs.  Even if you are not a fan of pushchair shopping, you can't help but admit it is lovely not to have to carry shopping bags anymore!

Seeing the World in a New Way
Dylan's excited squeals of 'WOWEE' at everything from an ant on the floor to a biscuit helps me see the wonders of the world through fresh eyes.  This morning we stopped walking to watch and giggle at the leaves blowing down the street in the wind  - something I never would have noticed had it not been for the toddler by my side.  Seeing the world through fresh eyes is invigorating.

babasling, babywearing,

A Purpose
Before having Dylan I hadn't quite worked out who I was, what I wanted to do and where I was going. I found out I was pregnant and suddenly I had a purpose.  A direction.  Suddenly my life had a meaning that it didn't have before and I have so many more reasons to follow my dreams.

I get to give my parents two beautiful grandsons and hopefully one day my boys will give me some grandchildren too.

grandmother and grandchild, grandparent

So those are my ten, what would you add to the list?

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Thursday, 2 May 2013

Boobie Milk

Breastfeeding is far from glamorous and the underwear on offer to nursing mums only seems to confirm this.   Add in a toddler with an aversion to shopping and you end up with the first thing you can find in your size - usually something I would never have dreamt of wearing pre-baby!

When Karen at Boobie Milk contacted me about her fitting service it sounded like the perfect solution for a busy mum.  Karen came to my house armed with all different styles and sizes of nursing bras, and let me peruse and try on in the comfort of my own home.  I arranged an appointment for during Dylan's nap time, knowing that I would have some peace to shop, and some time to make a cup of tea whilst I was doing it!

Boobie Milk have both the basic T-shirt nursing bras and the delicate pretty ones, and she carries all the stock with her, meaning no postage fees and no waiting - once you have paid it is yours to wear.  I was suprised to find that the size I would have ordered online was very different to the size that fit me right and it was only through this home service that I established this.

Karen was absolutely lovely and really put me at ease, whilst offering her expert advise.  As a breastfeeding mother herself, she has personally tried all the products and really knows her stuff.

I ended up choosing a pretty nursing bra set by Hotmilk as well as a sleep nursing bra and was really pleased with my purchases.  Both bras are a perfect fit and I feel happier and more confident than I did in the old nursing bras I had quickly picked up after having Dylan.  I would really recommend visiting the BoobieMilk website or organising a home visit if you are based in Kent.  If you are not in the area, Boobie Milk offers unlimited free exchanges so you can ensure you have the best fit.

Karen can come out to your home, or visit a local breastfeeding group so it is a perfect excuse to pamper all the nursing mums in your life with a home party, some cupcakes and some lovely new underwear! After all, we are doing something so important for our children, we should look after ourselves!

Disclaimer:  I was provided with nursing bra set for the purpose of this review but I also purchased from Boobie Milk myself.  All thoughts and opinions are my own and I can honestly recommend this service.

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Wednesday, 1 May 2013

A Father and Son

With the newest member of the family being exclusively breastfed, it means that any one-on-one time with the boys is often Archie with me, and the bloke with Dylan.  There are upsides and downsides to this but at the moment I am loving watching the bond grow between my son and his father.

They are as thick as thieves as I see the bloke sneaking Dylan chocolate raisins behind my back and there is constant giggling coming from them when they are together.  Their bedtime routine now involves a 'flip' as Dylan is somersaulted over the bloke as they lie on the floor, and flying superman-style up the stairs.

father and son, toddler and daddy
say Cheese!
Daddy has always been in charge of bath time, and I can guarantee that by the end both boys will be completely worn out, and that my bathroom floor will be soaked! It is their time to unwind after the day and the excitement on Dylan's face when we suggest it is bathtime is lovely to see as he scrambles up the stairs as fast as he can. 

The boys have their own games, their own words and their own special moments and as Dylan's language grows I can only see the bond between them getting stronger. The bloke is a great dad with a baby but I can see that he is in his element with a walking talking toddler to play with.  

I am loving having bonding time with Archie and I know that once he is a little more independent he will join the boy's club and I will be left looking on.  Luckily I love to watch my boys, and I may get to drink my tea in peace then!

Did you find that your partner bonded more during the toddler years?
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