Sunday, 5 February 2012

Day 5- Snow Day like Today

After spending most of last night in a childlike excitement, bubbling over in anticipation, it started snowing!  All night my facebook and twitter news feeds were taken over by weather reports, and the jealousy was starting to kick in.  Living on the south east coast however we would be the last to see the magical white stuff.

Eventually, after much curtain twitching I spotted the first falling flakes just as I was going to bed, and for once when the alarm clock (Dylan) started crying, getting out of bed was a fraction easier than usual.  We went and looked out the window and lo and behold, the world was covered in a thick layer of white.  Icing sugar had sprinkled from the sky dusting the trees, plants and fences.

I like to think that Dylan's eyes were wide in amazement, but in reality 6 months is a little young to really understand.  He would have been happier if I had let him eat some.  

As soon as we were all up and dressed (after lunch) we wrapped up, booted up and mittened up and ventured out.  Snow does something wonderful to the world.  It hides it's imperfections and flaws, covering them in something pure and natural.  The roads are no longer full of cars, headlights and horns, but snowball fights, snowmen with carrot noses and excited children being dragged along on sledges by equally excited although somewhat more tired parents.

We took the baby to the park, and the snow must have been so overwhelming he napped almost the entire time we were there.  Snow seems to bring out the child in all of us though, as me and the bloke jumped through the highest snow and felt the need to stamp through any untouched snow patches( As the park was busier than in the summer these were rather rare).  

snow, park

Snow may not be popular with everyone but in this house, it means family time, excitement, magic and fun.  
babywearing, snow baby wearing, sling, mother and baby


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