Saturday, 31 January 2015

Me and Mine January

This is our second year joining in with the Me and Mine project and looking back at last year, watching our baby become a toddler and our toddler a little boy, I can't wait to document the further changes as our four becomes a five.  I am not due until March and I have a feeling our little guy is pretty comfy where he is, but I become full term during February, so January is the last month I can definitely say we are a family of four.

January has flown by, with the post-Christmas haze, Archie starting nursery one day a week and me growing at quite a considerable rate.  Our weekends have been mostly lazy and we have found ourselves back in a rhythm, but the cold weather has not kept us at home.  We have had quite a mild winter so far, and we are yet to see snow, so we headed out to the park with a friend earlier in the month to capture our family exactly as we are now - funny faces and all.

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Saturday, 24 January 2015

The iCandy Raspberry

iCandy raspberry review, icandy Raspberry, icandy black and yellow

I first saw the iCandy Raspberry at the Babyshow nearly a year ago and fell in love.  It offered the features I loved about strollers, but with the style and options you associate with a travel system.  It comes in such a variety of colours that when I was offered one to review I struggled, but the black chassis and yellow colour pack was perfect for our bright family.

icandy raspberry review

We have been testing this pushchair now for a few months, and on the whole, I love it.  It looks stunning in my opinion, the black chassis is strong and doesn't scratch and the icandy logo is etched in so that it can't rub off as it does on some pushchairs.  The yellow is bright and cheers up even the coldest of days and despite plenty of use, it still looks immaculate.  

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The Hive Heating

Living in a rented house, we have been stuck with a boiler we have little control over.  Whilst we can turn the heating on and off, and even set it on a timer, we couldn't control the temperature, or set it to come on just when it was cold, meaning we were often sat either huddled under blankets wondering why it was so cold, or getting over hot as we hadn't remembered to turn it off.

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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Archie at Nearly Two

There is just one month left before Archie turns 2, and I see more than ever how desperate he is to be big.  I think it is a symptom of being a second child, having someone more able to follow around and learn from, but Archie is just desperate to do everything his big brother does.

The pair of them are as thick as thieves, and they have a bond I never even imagined when I was pregnant.  They talk in their own language, plot to do things (mostly reach the fruit bowl) and talk and sing to each other as they fall asleep.  They are equals in play, but not in everything.  Dylan is bigger, can reach higher, can talk clearer and can demand easier.  Archie loves having time alone with me when Dylan is at nursery, but asks for his brother often and definitely misses his playmate.

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Saturday, 17 January 2015

33 Weeks Pregnant

I am now 33 weeks pregnant, which means only 7 weeks until I am due and a maximum of 9 weeks until this little guy arrives!  We are nowhere near ready, but are finally starting to get organised.  I am finding the nesting instinct comes and goes (ok so it mostly goes), but I have periods of productivity interspersed with lots of lazy and hopefully we will be ready by March.

One thing I really wanted to try this pregnancy was a co-sleeper crib and our Snuzpod arrived this week.  I haven't set it up yet, but we have somewhere for the baby to sleep now which is the important thing! I have also started learning about Hypnobirthing thanks to the CalmBirth School - something I have been meaning to look into since I found out we are pregnant.  I am feeling really positive about labour and I am enjoying the course and learning more about my body.
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Thursday, 15 January 2015

icandy Emilia Changing Bag

The icandy Emilia changing bag is from their gorgeous new range of changing bags.  They have been making luxury pushchairs for years, but their first foray into the world of bags is a total success.  We were sent the Emilia in white to try and I love it.

icandy changing bag, icandy emilia, luxury white changing bag, luxury changing bag
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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Noa and Nani Cabin Bed Giveaway

Dylan loves his new bed, everything from the ladder to get in to the tent underneath and the boys have so much more space in their room with the little den underneath.  The pirate cabin bed is only £149.99 including the tent and I think this is a great price for a full sized single bed that offers this much fun. (For more pictures of his new pirate room check out this post)

It didn't take us long to build thanks to easy instructions and well manufactured wood and the bed is solid and stable.  The slanted ladder makes it easier for younger children and the bed is at a great height, that I can still kiss Dylan's head as he sleeps. 

noa and nani, mid-sleeper bed, cabin bed, giveaway

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Monday, 12 January 2015

A Pirate Themed Room Makeover

Pirate themed bedroom, toddler bedroom theme, pirate room
pirate themed bedroom, pirate toddler room, themed toddler room

With Pretzel due to arrive in only two months, we needed to find him a little space of his own, and in a three bedroom house that means two of the boys need to share.  Dylan and Archie are getting on so well at the moment, and so we decided to move them in together earlier rather than later.

Rather than just putting Archie's cot into Dylan's room, we have given their new room a mini makeover with a pirate theme.  Dylan was still in a cot bed, so he got upgraded to a proper single and we had to prioritise space over all the toys that previously lived in there when there was only one occupant.

They spent the day with their grandparents whilst we sorted out the room and both the boys love the changes.  They both seem really happy to be sharing and we hope the room will grow with them.  

pirate theme room, skulls beanbag, pirate mid sleeper

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Wednesday, 7 January 2015

A winter's Beach Stroll

We live in a beautiful place, sure, it has its faults but there is nowhere else I want to bring up my babies.  We have a lovely house with just about enough space for us all, and neighbours all around that we stop and chat to.  We have family and friends all around us. We have a park at the end of the road where the boys can run around, climb and kick a ball.  We have the promenade just round the corner, where they can ride their bikes, spot boats in the sea and watch the world go by.  We have a beach within walking distance that we don't take advantage of nearly enough.

I have seen lots of photos on instagram recently of people enjoying the sea, even as the temerature drops and it inspired us to do the same.  We often go for lunch down on the seafront, but we went for a wander afterwards at the weekend, to skim stones in the sea, chase the waves and build sandcastles (without a bucket).  The boys loved it (until Dylan got caught out and drenched to his knees) and the sun shone for us.  I had my camera on me, so took a few snaps, although with the sun so bright, it was hard to avoid the shadows. (Sorry about the photo spam)

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Monday, 5 January 2015

Maternity Fashion - Second Trimester

With this baby, I found myself digging out the maternity clothes before I even reached 8 weeks pregnant, it seems having babies so close together means your stomach muscles remember exactly what to do!  It has meant I have seen pretty much every season with a bump this time, and I have had to choose pieces that will last through the changes in weather as I grow.

Here are a few of my maternity favourites, sometimes I am in all maternity wear, and sometimes I have gone for normal clothes that have plenty of stretch or bought a few sizes up.  My style is comfortable and practical, as with a one and three year old I need to be prepared to tackle soft play, stand for hours outdoors and climb into their beds for a snuggle.

All of these are second trimester outfits, (with a 30 week one thrown in too).  I find at this stage I am still quite comfortable in maternity jeans and my tops generally still reach my underbump jeans.

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Sunday, 4 January 2015

29 Weeks Pregnant

I am most certainly in the third trimester and I am starting to feel it now.  Whilst compared to most, this pregnancy is still pretty plain sailing, having two toddlers at home means that the vital rest I need just isn't happening.  I can feel the strain on my body if I overdo it, and with Dylan having had a bad week and weighing rather more than he did last time I was pregnant, I have found myself struggling to lift him, and feeling it all the next day if I do.

There are points in each day where I feel invincible, and I think I have finally got the energy back, but by 2pm, I am ready to curl up for a nap and there is no sound more welcome than the bloke's key in the door at the end of the day.  Generally I am not too bad, and I am thankful that the boys have a nice nap together in the afternoon so I get a chance to have a little snooze or at least put my feet up.

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Saturday, 3 January 2015

Life after Christmas

The weeks that follow Christmas  are unlike normal life for us, even more so now that Dylan is at preschool.  Routine is out the window, as is the healthy diet and we have spent more time watching films and drinking hot chocolate than ever before.

Pre-Christmas was full of excitement, crafts, shopping and jam packed days.  Even after term finished, our lives were busy and when I finally finished my wrapping and building on Christmas eve, I could breathe a sigh of relief.  Christmas day was everything we wanted, full of smiles, laughs, wonder and family and boxing day looked much the same.  After boxing day though, the real changes happened and with the bloke off work for another week, we stopped clock watching, we ate when we were hungry, slept when we were tired and followed the boys' leads more.

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