Wednesday, 7 August 2013

How Summer Should Be

Summers shouldn't be spent inside, and certainly not in a hospital.  The days should be long because we see so much sun, not because they drag and there should always be ice cream.

Now we are free, we are enjoying the beautiful weather with picnics in the park, afternoons at the beach and paddling pools in the garden.

brothers, summer, picnic in the park brothers

Suncream is applied, suncastles are built and shells are washed.  A mini milk lolly stops being a treat and fast becomes a necessity to keep cool.  Hot feet paddle in the cold sea and Mummy braves swimming in the waves.  

sandy toddler toes, summer at the beach, building sandcastles

watering can in paddling pool, paddling pool at the beach

Bags of scotch eggs and strawberries, and a big stripy blanket.  Swings, slides and stickers for those of us who can't run around at the moment.  More suncream, more ice creams and more fresh air.  

toddler eating strawberries, picnic in the park

matching brothers, toddler and baby matching T-shirts, picnic time

Days with friends, days with family and days spent playing in the back garden.  Water beads, paddling pools, painting and playdough.  Homemade ice lollies whenever the mood takes us, with washing drying on the line as we play.

paddling pool, water bead play, garden in summer play

Laughing, splashing, butterfly spotting and of course dining al fresco. Sandy toes, hooded towels and yet more ice cream.  Wearing just a nappy (the children, not me), strolls along the seafront and fish and chips on the beach just because we can.  

family of four, family at the beach, shoulder rides at the beach, my beautiful family

This is how summer should be, this is our August. 

stroll on seafront, pink lining bag, double buggy at the seaside


  1. Aww brilliant photos!!
    Just how summer should be x

  2. It's definitely how summer should be! I bet you are so pleased to be out the hospital now. X

  3. It sounds idyllic - especially being so near to the sea - but then what could be faulted in a plan that starts with ice cream!

  4. Such a lovely photo of you all together! My oh my isn't the little man growing fast? You are looking fab by the way - and very happy :)

  5. We have been so lucky to have a proper Summer this year! I honestly don't remember the last time this happened! So pleased you are out of hospital in time to enjoy it too! xx

  6. You are literally the best mum ever, you are always so chilled and relaxed and your life exudes that, I need some lessons for sure.
    Beautiful post x

  7. Lovely post! Glad you are free and enjoying the summer now! Lovely photos too! x x

  8. So lovely to see you all enjoying yourself outside at last! And fabulous that so far the weather has played along! A lovely post (as usual!). xx

  9. deff how it should be! I am so sorry just heard about your hospital stay! I've been so behind on my blog reading! Hope all is ok now *hugs* xxx

  10. Looks like you all had a great time. I wish the summer weather would come back - I had to have socks on in bed last night!!x

  11. Please what brand is that bag on the pram it is stunning

    1. Hi Ann, It is the Pink Lining twice as nice twins bag - really spacious and so cute!


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