Monday 19 August 2013

Happy Half Birthday Baby Boy


I was warned how fast time would fly with a second baby, but it has still shocked me to wake up and realise you are half a year old already.  Six whole months have passed since that beautiful moment when you entered the world and although it feels like you have always been in our lives, it also feels like no time at all since we became a family of four.

Six exciting, exhausting, emotional and amazing months I have spent watching you grow from a helpless curled up newborn into a curious, smiley baby who is desperate to be on the move.  For six months I have been the proud mama to you two beautiful boys and every day you challenge me, educate me and make me so proud.

You are nothing like your brother, you are eager to be on the move and happiest on your tummy.  You still sleep on your tummy with your squishy little bum high up in the air and it makes me smile every time I see you snoozing away.

We started weaning a couple of weeks ago, and you are finally coming round to the idea.  You have already decided how you want to be fed and we have termed it 'Archie led weaning' as it doesn't seem to fit into either of the common approaches.  You want proper food, but you want it fed straight into your mouth rather than feeding yourself.  It isn't easy and we are trying to convince you to either hold it yourself or take the food from a spoon but you are a determined little man!

At six months I thought your brother was so big but you seem so little still.  Dylan was in his own room by 11 weeks old yet it took me over 5 months to let you sleep in your nursery and I still found it hard.  At 6 months Dylan was wolfing down meals, open to every new taste and desperate for more.  You are not bothered and it takes you quite a while to get used to every new flavour.  At six months, Dylan was sitting up unaided perfectly, yet you can only manage a few seconds before you decide you are happier on your tummy.  You are so much more interested in what is going on around you though and I see your eager eyes taking it all in.  You won't still be sat content at 12 months like him and I can already see you longing to join in with his games.  Despite this comparison to your brother, I am in no hurry for you to grow up.

You are well and truly a mummy's boy and I wouldn't have you any other way.  Your eyes follow me, no matter what else is going on and you are happiest in my arms.  You want to be worn in a sling rather than sat in a pushchair and I find it difficult to leave you knowing that I am the comfort that you always desire.

Baby boy you are perfect just as you are.  Everytime you catch my eye and offer me that beautiful smile I remember exactly what is important and why I have the best job in the world - being a Mama to you.

Happy half birthday Archie


  1. I can't believe he is 6 months.
    Dylan is so different from when he was a baby, Archie looks much taller and older I think.
    I remember meeting you with Dylan all those moons ago and was so impressed by his feeding skills, Addy is so delayed and still hates to feed herself. x

  2. Happy half birthday Archie! Love to photo of him sleeping! x x

  3. It's just plain scary how fast the second ones grow up. But it sounds like your littlest fan is determined to follow his own path and be different from his big brother. My two are so different in most ways, but incredibly similar in some too. Love that photo of them both at 6 months, they look so different, but definitely like brothers! x

  4. Ahhh I can't believe he is six months already and I can't believe there are only four weeks until Jobey is! I totally agree with everything you describe about them seeming small when the first borns seemed so big at the same age. I really do think of Jobey as still being such a baby compared to Iyla, he is a total mummy's boy too and I love it! He sleeps just like Jobey too! x


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