Tuesday, 26 June 2012

You make me Smile - Week 2

Firstly I would like to thank the wonderful bloggers who joined in last week.  There were some fantastic posts and pictures and I can't wait to see what you come up with this week!

So here are the things that made me smile;

baby at the beach, writing in the sand, Dylan
After what can only be described as miserable weather, the summer weather seems to have arrived.  Let's just hope it stays now!

britmums live, warner brothers, blogging buddies, scooby dooMaking wonderful 'real life' friendships at Britmums live after long term twitter ones.  Getting to cuddle a giant Scooby Doo made me smile quite a bit as well!

Munchkin duck bath, duck bath, first wordsAfter months of constant 'dadadadada' we appear to have Dylan's first 'proper' word - Duck!  There are rather a few ducks in his life though - his bath, his comforter and cuddly toys.

So there are the things that have been making me smile this week.  Please grab the badge and join in!  

You make me smile


You can link yours up right here. . .


  1. I didn't know you'd started this linky, what a great idea! Love the pic of Dylan in the sand x

    1. Would love for you to join in some time! x

  2. I really want to go to Britmums - must be strange meeting people after seeing and talking to them on twitter and their blogs. Love the picture of Dylan on the sand - did he try and eat it? At least duck is a first word you will remember x

    1. There was of course the obligatory sand in the mouth but he didn't seem to keen on it! Hopefully you will go to Britmums next year, it is definitely worth it!

  3. That is so funny. My little guy is OBSESSED with ducks. He can spot one a mile off whether they be a real duck, a rubber duck, a picture of a duck, Donald Duck or even lately just someone saying "quack". It's so strange the things that children are interested in.
    Cute linky hun, what a love idea. X

    1. Dylan has so many duck things but I think they were maybe forced on him rather than chosen. His little duckie comforter is so sweet though

  4. What a great idea, I love your 3 smiles. Especially the sunny beach pic... It's winter here :( bit cold for the beach at the moment.

  5. Replies
    1. That's my favourite, too!
      Yay Dylan - that first word is a big milestone! My younger daughter's first word was "apple". I had hoped it would be "Mummy" but in fact she said "apple", "Daddy", "cheese", and even "backpack" before she attempted "Mummy" :)


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