Thursday 28 June 2012

Aromatherapy Play Dough - Guest Post

Today we have a guest post with a brilliant idea for a money saving activity.  We all spend so much on toys and games for children when there are so many things we can make to encourage their imagination and creativity.

Hi everyone, it is Jen from The Mad HouseA Thrifty Mum and Frugal and Fun 

Home Made Aromatherapy Play Dough 


1 and half cups (1 cup is 250ml) of salt 
3 cups of warm water 
3 cups of plain flour 
3 tablespoons of oil 
6 teaspoons of cream of tartar 
Food colouring 
Essential oils 


  1. add the salt and water to a large pan and heat until the salt to melt has melted 
  2. add the flour, oil and cream of tartar and heat over a medium heat, stirring continuously until it starts to pull away from the sides (you need to be quite vigorous) 
  3. Tip out the dough and need for about 2 minutes 
  4. Split the dough in to smaller amounts and add food colouring and essential oil 

aromatherapy playdough, homemade sensory, activities for kids

I use lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary and roman camomile essential oils, but you could also add food grade essences to including vanilla, lemon and almond. 

These keep in an airtight container for about three months 

Like this craft?  Then my not register to follow us on Frugal and Fun.  We are going to be releasing an e-book full of frugal ideas to keep you and your children happy over the summer holidays. 

Do you love or loath the summer holidays?   

I am in the love camp, but I do remember the time when my boys were both smaller that I dreaded them and the thought of six weeks (or more) straight with them sent me in to a tailspin.   

This year you need worry no more, as we have an e-book on the way out which will show you frugal and fun ways to get through the summer holiday.   

It  begins with a week of preparation activities to help you get ready for the weeks ahead. The e-book will contain a recipe, an indoor activity and an outdoor activity each day within themed weeks. These activities are suitable for 3-10 years olds. 

Themes include: 

  • The Olympics 
  • The Great Outdoors 
  • Around the World 
  • Heroes and Heroines 
  • Home Sweet Home 
  • Colours 

    This playdough looks fab and although their ideas are aimed at slightly older children, I think Dylan will love this and it is simple enough that even I can make it!


  1. I hope you enjoy making this and playing with it. It was a firm favorite in my home

  2. Great idea ... also check out for lots more ideas for indoor fun with the kids ... just gone live, and developed by mum to 5 year old twin boys and a 1 year old terror! .. activities range from craft, to getting active and pretend play - and everything in between .. including best buys, tips and forum. Spread the word so that we can all enjoy being stuck in!

  3. I've often made my own play dough using a similar recipe because it's fun to do and lasts for ages, but I never thought to add essential oils. Wonderful idea! I would think twice about using yummy-smelling vanilla or almond essence, though, as kids already feel a strong temptation to eat their playdough, and I think a foody smell would push them over the edge!

    1. I was thinking the same. Until they are old enough to not put everything in their mouths anyway! Can't wait to start making some!

  4. I love home made play dough! Although, I have to disagree with Katrinna and say I would rather put in the food flavorings because kids might eat it. Essential oils are dangerous to ingest, esp eucalyptus, and I would rather kids ingest something meant to be eaten instead of something that is potentially harmful.


I love comments, so please let me know what you think!

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