Saturday, 9 June 2012

A Bit of Me-Time

It has been ten months since I have had some time alone.  I mean completely alone, just me.  No baby gurgling away and no bloke pottering around making a mess. No-one that I have to keep the noise down for as they are busy sleeping.  Just me.  

Since Dylan has been born we have been inseparable as most mother and babies are.  Breastfeeding him until 8 months made it only the more difficult to be apart from him.  When I went back to work,  I suddenly had a few hours in the week where I wasn't with him, where I was just an ordinary adult, one able to hold down a normal conversation, and do what she wanted without worrying about anyone else.  But I still wasn't alone, I was on a bus full of people, or busy working.

The bloke has gone away for a week, and so I have Dylan all to myself.  For 24 hours a day, for a 7 day week.  With not even work as a break, as much as I love him to bits, this is a long time, and I salute the single parents out there.  I rely on
the bloke coming home just before bath time so that on those days where I am completely shattered, he can take over for the last half an hour whilst I collapse on the sofa.  My mum, being the wonderful person that she is, volunteered to take the little dude out this afternoon to give me a break.

So I spent a couple of hours in the luxury of my own home, no bloke, no baby, no visitors, just me. And what exciting / pampering/ relaxing things did I get up to?  Well to start off with I hoovered the entire house, top to bottom.  It felt incredibly satisfying, and it is not often I can hoover the baby's room without him shrieking for attention.  I then proceeded to clean and tidy until my son was returned to me.  I did do it all with my favourite music blaring through the house so that I could hear it in every room, but still. . . I am definitely a mother.

The childless me would never have spent a whole afternoon cleaning, especially not a precious, quiet, alone afternoon.  She would have put on a cheesy chick flick, painted her nails, and read a book.  How times change!  

So to you mothers out there, do you still remember the phrase me-time, and if so does it happen often in your house?  Do you spend it cleaning and end up more exhausted than when you started or do you stop and appreciate it?  


  1. I have hadn't had me time for 9 years now, even when I go out for the occasion jog I go with baby in buggy and boys following and a trip to the hairdressers sees me holdingthe baby whilst I get a haircut :-(
    Looking forward to britmums as it will just be me on my own, quite daunting really! X x
    Hope you enjoyed your "me " time atleast the house is all shiny x x

    1. Send the Mr out with the boys, you deserve some time for you especially after 9 years!

  2. I do the same hun- whenever I get some me time I end up tidying! x

    1. I bet the men would never tidy in their free time!

  3. Earlier this year, for the first time since my second child was born, I went away with my girlfriends for a whole weekend. I missed my kids a bit, but the freedom to do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted was exhilarating! It was rejuvenating in the extreme, and made me realise that we do need to try to get out and do "pre-baby" types of activities once in a while, because when we charge our batteries like that we can be better parents.

    1. Thanks for commenting. The bloke and I have started making an effort to get a babysitter just so that we can go to the cinema or for dinner like we used to. Pre-baby activities are so important. Looking forward to a weekend away at Britmums live later this month :)

  4. Obviously, as you know, I try and avoid tidying in those precious moments of me time...! However, sometimes I still have to do it, the very minimum, as mostly I fill that time alone with work that needs to be done... which is just as far from my time really. When it really is time for me, it's yoga and zumba, and of course playing with new creative stuff for 'story of mum'. But after reading Katriina's comment, I really want to go out with the girls soon too now, sounds brilliant... must get planning...

    1. I think not remembering the last time you were alone and relaxing is a sign that we work too hard. Glad you don't tidy too much, there are much more important things to be doing in my opinion!

  5. great post! my husband has been away a lot lately, and being pregnant again, with out him and a toddler in tow has made me realise how much I miss me-time. Funny how being a mummy make you appreciate things like being able to hoover when you get a chance! As soon as i get a chance i have a cup of tea and sit down for 5 mins, and then feel guilty as there is always a million one things to be doing! oh how times have changed ;-) xxxx

  6. How true is this. With two little ones it is difficult to get any me time. I always end up washing, food shopping etc. My books and magazines are piling up! Xx

  7. How true is this. With two little ones it is difficult to get any me time. I always end up washing, food shopping etc. My books and magazines are piling up! Xx


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