Saturday, 2 June 2012


I have been tagged in this great little meme by Dorky Mum.  Anyone with a toddler will have heard the word 'why' more times than they would have liked, and that is just today.  Although the little dude isn't yet saying much more than dada I know it won't be long until he is questioning anything and everything.  Before he learns the word, I have my chance to ask him a few Why's. . .

question mark, scrabble words, why

Why do you insist on chewing your own toes?  I am almost certain that they don't taste great but in all fairness, I am not about to try them just to prove a point.

Why do you think 7am is an acceptable time of day?  It is the middle of the night and always will be.  We won't even start on night feeds. . .

Why do you keep pulling that funny face where you scrunch your little nose up?  It is very cute, but incredibly odd at the same time?

Why is it that a bus ticket can entertain you far longer than a very expensive toy?

Why is it fine for babies to have 2 naps a day, but not quite as acceptable for adults?

Why have they not invented some kind of adult pushchair for those long days when I could really do with being carried around?

Why do you have more stuff  that Mummy and Daddy put together when you are only ten months old?  You have taken over every single room in the house!

Why are you so incredibly gorgeous?  How did I make such a perfect little creature? 

So now to see what questions you want to ask. . . You don't have to be tagged to keep this going though.  Once you have done it, then make sure you add it to the linky at Mummy Central   I tag;

Looking forward to reading your questions!


  1. I think I could ask myself 90% of the questions you are asking why to and have answers to some and not others. There are a lot of why's and how's (which starts at about 4). I love answering them because it reminds me what I do and don't know. Some of the ones I ask myself ARE harder to answer but the good news, is you're asking them and that is the first step to finding an answer. x

  2. Perfect list - I am completely behind the why can't we nap and have pushchairs or an adult sized baby bouncer would be nice! x

    1. An adult jumperoo would be pretty ace!

  3. Love this list. Believe me, the chewing toes thing goes on for a while. My 6-year-old still does it.
    Thanks for taking part. And for linking up. x

  4. This is so true, all of them! x

  5. B Lloyd started the "why" phase at around 14 months, her speech was very early, by the time she was 16 months we would have full on conversations as to "why" certain things were as they are. Some of my favourite memories!!! Great list of questions! X

    1. I am looking forward to learning about how D sees the world, and the questions he comes up with!

  6. I'm laughing so hard at the toes one - one of my whys was why am i not allowed to nibble babies feet!! hahhaha

    1. Maybe there is just something yummy about baby feet? I know mine aren't too appealing anymore

  7. Why eat your toes ? I still nibble mine!

    That's either really gross or really cool as it means I still have flexible skillz!

    1. I am impressed, I struggle to reach my toes with my mouth so I think you definitely have the skillz!

  8. I nearly tagged you on mine but beaten to it! Totally agree on how they take over the house, it doesn't change as they grow up either!


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