Monday, 19 March 2012

Listography - 5 Reasons I know I . . .am blonde

Listography is run by the fab KateTakes5, and this weeks is 5 reasons I know I am. . .   There are a lot of possible endings to this, but here are 5 reasons I know I am blonde;

1)  I can't work the switch box.  If the lights go out or the power cuts I have to get the bloke to put them back on.  I know it is a simple switch thingamajig but
I just don't get it!  I would rather spend the day in the darkness that try and figure it out.

2)  On my first date with the bloke I told him that I wanted to live in an Eskimo.

3)  I have called the bloke in a strop because I had lost my phone and couldn't find it anywhere.  I frequently lose things that turn out to be in my other hand.

4)  I keep staying up really late on Facebook/ twitter/ blogger when I know I have an early morning with the baby.  There is no good reason for this as I am very rarely being productive.

5)  I keep getting half way through the day before realising that I have my top on backwards.  I blame the baby and not having enough sleep for this one as there has been a marked increase since he was born, but it has happened far too many times now!

dumb blonde

So there are 5 reasons from the many options.  I am not completely blonde ( I have purple in my hair too), and somehow I managed to finish university with a degree and both shoes on the right feet, but I am not without my blonde moments


  1. Excellent list. Sadly I can confess to a number of those things and I am well and truly a brunette.

    1. Maybe I should rename it 5 reasons I know I am a bit dopey?

  2. This did make me chuckle especially about the top being on backwards but I'm a brunette and I frequently 'loose' my phone, only to find it's in my pocket...opps x

    1. It seems losing your phone is quite common, keys are often going walkies in my house too!

  3. So true! I constantly lose my phone ALL the time, despite having it 2 seconds before!!! Xxx

  4. I think 4 and 5 is a Mum thing. The rest... really made me laugh x

    1. being both blonde and a mum is a terrible combination!

  5. I do have my blonde moments! My husband says they are endearing...I'm not so sure.

    1. The bloke will never let me live down the eskimo comment. He loves to bring it up when we meet new people!

  6. I think everyone has blond moments. Makes us human. Loved your list x

  7. I sooo relate to all of these...well, maybe not the eskimo one, but this made me laugh!

  8. I can relate to those. What is it with putting your top on the wrong way round or inside out when you have a baby - my little ones almost 3 months and I've done it at least 10 times since he's arrived!

  9. LOL Great list!!! Had me in stitches. Sad thing is that as a brunette I can so relate to some of them but I blame it on the bad influence of those nasty grey hairs I keep finding!!!

  10. It is really nice for me to see you and your great hardwork again.Every piece of your work look excellent.Looking forward to learing more from you!


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