Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Little Loves March

March is coming to an end so I thought I would share some of the little things I have enjoyed this month.  It has been an exhausting month, I think after so long of structuring our days as we choose, getting back into the school routine has been hard and with one day of term still to go, the children haven't got used to getting up early again.  Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new month and at 1.30pm, the beginning of the Easter holidays and with the new rules allowing us to meet one other family, we are excited to get out. Here are my March little Loves

Read- The Midnight Library

I had only heard good things about The Midnight library and it didn't disappoint.  Imagine if you could go back in time and change things and see how your life panned out?  It follows Nora who gets the opportunity to do just that after making the decision to end her own life.  I think we have all wondered 'what if', if we had made different decisions in the past, but sometimes taking a step back makes us realise all the promise our current lives have.  It is definitely worth a read.

Watch- Moxie

I saw the trailers for this and it looked like a brilliant easy watch.  If Cora was a few years older, I would watch it with her too.  The messages are about feminism, supporting women and calling out sexism - all things I am passionate about anyway.  It is available to watch on Netflix

Listen- I don't wanna wait 

I have finally finished watching Dawson's Creek on Netflix and it wasn't until a conversation with a friend that I realised they had used a different theme tune than the original.  I really loved the song they had been using, but for the last two episodes, they had the original 'I don't wanna wait' and I haven't been able to get it out of my head since I first heard it!

Wear- L'abu skincare

I was sent some skincare by L'abu and it is definitely helping me get back into a better skincare routine.  The oat milk cleanser is easy to use in the shower and the intense face serum feels beautiful on my skin.

Eat- cheesy wraps

Many, many years ago, I worked in Pizza Hut and for a brief period, they made cheesy wraps, just salsa and grated cheese wrapped in a tortilla and baked.  I couldn't get enough of them, but they didn't stay on the menu long so I have had to recreate them at home.  They have been my lunch of choice over March though, and probably April too.

I would love to know what has made you smile this month.
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Thursday, 18 March 2021

Keeping up the Saving Post-Covid


If you’ve been fortunate to cut back on your spending during the coronavirus pandemic, you’re probably enjoying the extra savings you’ve been able to build up. But what happens when the world opens up a bit more and those daily expenses start creeping up again? 

Well, the good news is, with some adjustments, you can keep saving and make it a permanent habit. Take a look at some of the following ideas to keep up the savings post-COVID. 

Keep your food shop down

Your weekly food shop is one of your biggest expenses. Has it increased or decreased in lockdown? Having all the children at home made mine sky rocket! Not only did we spend more, but we treated ourselves to take-aways more often too over the lockdowns. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can cut your food shop. Eating healthier, planned meals will make it much easier to prevent food waste and make sure you only buy what you need. 

Many people have switched to shopping online during the pandemic, which can be a great way to save money by sticking to a budget.

Cut down on your expenses

Are there things you could cut back on each month? While your gym membership might be on pause for now, could it be something you go without permanently? Home workouts are very effective, and a great way to save some money as is outdoor running and wild swimming, both of which have seen many new converts over the past months.

You can also look through all of your existing bills to see if you can make some savings. Could you cut your TV or broadband bill? What about your mobile phone? SIM only deals are cheaper and offer plenty of data, helping you save a lot of money each month. Over the course of a year, you could find yourself with some significant savings as a result of your cuts. 

Soak up the outdoors

Lockdowns have brought some big changes to how we spend time together. Nights in have had to get more creative, while days out have been a lot more focused on being active outdoors instead of going places. Knowing what you know now, would you keep up these types of activities in the future? Being able to soak up the outdoors, go for bike rides and walks and make more of your local area can help you keep costs down while keeping your family active too!

Reduce your energy costs

Reducing your energy costs is another way to keep up your savings. While you might not be at home as much, saving on heating and other costs, you can still make some savings while you are at home. Unplugging devices, turning the heating down a few degrees and using smart lighting are all great ways to keep your costs down. Looking after the environment as a family can be rewarding and educational for you all, helping you save the planet as well as save some money.

While there is sure to be some initial excitement once the shops reopen and going out for meals becomes normal again, there are still things you can do to control your spending and grow your savings. Track your progress over the coming year - you could be surprised at how much you save!

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Monday, 8 March 2021

The Ordinary Moments // The End of Home Learning

For nearly three months, the children have all been home full time and today schools reopened for all pupils marking the end of this period of home learning.  It has been challenging in every sense, it has been full of battles and tears and I am desperately hoping we never have to go through that again.  I think I have focused so much on our failures though, that I neglected to see how well we have done.

During a time when just staying sane seemed an accomplishment, we got on with it.  We logged in every day, the big two worked semi-independently at times and it took Dylan getting a headteachers award on the last day of term for 'unwavering effort over lockdown' to realise that we didn't fail at all.  He may have lacked enthusiasm which I can't blame him for, online learning is not the best for anyone, but he got up each day and did it.  I got up each day and encouraged and motivated them (bribed at times, yes).  We have come out the other side of this strange period and I have confidence that the resilience that helped us all through the past three months will help us as we readjust back to school routines.

I wanted to mark the last day before school with a treat so we went for ice cream and to the park (our options for a special day are still very limited).  I wanted to let the children know that whilst I may not have been the most patient teacher, I am immensely proud of them all.  I am so thankful that I get to just be their Mummy again now and I am looking forward to picking them up from school and asking about their day, because for the first time in a long while, I won't know every aspect of it already!

These photos are from our last day before school, before I laid out their school uniform, dug out the water bottles and set the alarm for a time earlier than I have been awake in months.  I write this in a house quieter than it has been all year surrounded by the mess that seems a natural part of having them all home for three months.  It is going to be strange!

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Monday, 1 March 2021

Little Loves February

I meant to write this at the end of February but it always catches me out with only 28 days so here I am on March 1st, looking back at the little things that made me happy last month. February saw us have snow which was amazing as we rarely get it down on our little corner of the country, yet by the end of the month the sun was shining brightly and Spring was in the air.  February had two birthdays, Archie turned 8 and a week later Finn turned 6 and we made it through another month of home learning.  March holds the promise of Spring, school and a little bit more normality after an anything but normal start to the year.

Read - The Nightingale

I read more than ever in February, there were books I just couldn't put down and I found myself making more time for reading and watching less in the evenings.  My favourite book of the month was without a doubt The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah.  I had been recommended this several times and I ended up buying it without even looking what it was about.  It made me feel every emotion going and left me sobbing and wanting to buy it for everyone I know.  I have recently finished another book by the same author which was also amazing.  If you haven't read it yet, add it to your list! 

Listen to - Hamilton Soundtrack

Every since Hamilton the Musical hit Disney Plus back in lockdown 1, I have been obsessed.  I loved everything about it and Lin Manuel Miranda is officially on my fantasy dinner party guest list.  The music is powerful, sing along and I listen to it on repeat.  I keep waiting to get bored of it but it hasn't happened yet.  Seeing the musical live is high on my to do list once theatres can reopen!

Watch - Dawson's Creek

I didnt watch Dawson's Creek when it first came out in the 90s so when I saw it on Netflix I thought I would give it a go.  I enjoy it but I am not loving it as much as some of the other shows from that time so it is taking me a long time to get through.

Wear - Dungarees

Dungarees have been my outfit of choice for much of the month. They are easy, comfy and perfect for wearing around the house.  My favourite pairs are from Lucy & Yak and Run & Fly.  On the coldest February days I wore them with leggings and chunky knits underneath, on the warmer ones with just a long sleeved t-shirt.

Dreaming of - Holidays in the sun

The summer is still looking uncertain to me, despite the aim of June 21st for the lifting of restrictions.  I haven't risked booking anything yet but I am dreaming of summers spent away from home, even if that means camping 30 minutes from our front door.  I want to start saving now so that if things are still looking positive in a few months time then we can book something last minute.

Eat - Hello Fresh

We were in such a rut with cooking and I think the monotony of lockdown has only emphasised the fact that we cook a limited number of meals on repeat.  We have used Hello Fresh on and off over the past few years when things get like this and it always gives us new meals, more enthusiasm for cooking and usually healthier meals than what we cook on our own! We are on week 3 now and I am looking forward to this weeks dinners! The children aren't as keen so we go for a 3 meal box and they eat separately on those 3 days.

I would love to know what has made you smile in February either as a comment below or over on social media.

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