This is our second year joining in with the Me and Mine project and looking back at last year, watching our baby become a toddler and our toddler a little boy, I can't wait to document the further changes as our four becomes a five. I am not due until March and I have a feeling our little guy is pretty comfy where he is, but I become full term during February, so January is the last month I can definitely say we are a family of four.
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January has flown by, with the post-Christmas haze, Archie starting nursery one day a week and me growing at quite a considerable rate. Our weekends have been mostly lazy and we have found ourselves back in a rhythm, but the cold weather has not kept us at home. We have had quite a mild winter so far, and we are yet to see snow, so we headed out to the park with a friend earlier in the month to capture our family exactly as we are now - funny faces and all.