Pictures tell a story, and this is the story of us. Not glamorous, not particularly exciting but our story nonetheless. Bedtime is busier with two; two bodies to wash, two pairs of pajamas to dress with, two faces to wash, two sets of teeth to clean. And then there is one cuddle, one family and one story. We curl up on Dylan's beanbag next to his bed, and he chooses a story to read.
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Friday, 28 February 2014
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Pushchairs to look out for in 2014
As you may have noticed, I have a bit of a thing for buggies. As a non-driver, they are my only set of wheels and I love discovering new brands, new designs and spotting them out and about. After having the opportunity to test a few, I do feel like I know my stuff too, and the Baby Show last weekend only served to fuel this obsession. I thought I would share my top 5 for 2014 - new colours, styles or updates for the year that I think are going to be big
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First up is the icandy Raspberry. I bought a Cherry when I was pregnant with Dylan and still love it now. Icandy pushchairs are noticeable, well made and I love the beautiful colours for this new design. The Raspberry is new and is a from birth stroller that will be available from spring/summer this year. It can be world or parent facing and folds incredibly compactly with the seat still on. It lies flat and I mean completely flat which makes it suitable for a newborn, or for those rather odd babies like mine who will not sleep on their back even in a buggy! The black chassis is classy and makes the coloured hood really pop, and there is a silver aluminium option too. With interchangeable colour packs that come in 7 gorgeous shades, the buggy can change with the season or your mood. I love the black chassis, and for me the lush(red) or sunflower(yellow) are the best colours - bright and unisex. Everything seems so well thought out from the adjustable handle, the way it folds with the handle in the air, and the hard case at the front of the buggy for storage.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
A Warmer Day
In the middle of rain and wind, of runny noses and chesty coughs, we saw a ray of sunshine. We woke up to blue skies and the kind of weather that needs only a light jacket. After weeks of soft play, coffee shops and puddle splashing, a visit to the park was exactly what we needed.
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Monday, 24 February 2014
Archie at 12 months
On the 17th of February the littlest dude turned one! I still can't work out how a whole year has passed, but it has. At 12 months, Archie is leaving behind the baby days, but isn't quite a toddler. He is a happy boy, sometimes all smiles and sometimes with a constant frown of concentration on his little face, but he is content to play by himself, he loves being out and about and is quite a chilled little dude.
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Sunday, 23 February 2014
Tiny Choopie Review
I have a bit of a soft spot for personalised things. I remember the excitement when I was younger and got given stickers with my name on. I stuck them on everything and anything, to let the world know that they were mine.
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The boys have personalised stories, clothing and all sorts, and My Kid Eco Room offered us the chance to design some gorgeous Tiny Choopie lamb stuffed toys for them too.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
A Very Hungry Caterpillar First Birthday
This weekend saw us celebrating Archie's first birthday with a Very Hungry Caterpillar themed party. I have always loved the Hungry Caterpillar, and the little guy's nursery is decorated with the same theme. We hired a local hall, invited along some friends and ate cake. Here are a few photos from the day.
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Monday, 17 February 2014
Hive Active Heating
We are a family that likes to be outdoors, and we are not letting the recent bad weather stop us. Waterproofs and wellies hang by the door ready, and puddle jumping is our favourite winter activity (well after cake eating of course)
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Sunday, 16 February 2014
Before You Turn One
One year and nine and a half months ago, on a cold, wet Sunday afternoon, the bloke and I sat in KFC, a sleeping eight month old beside us in the pushchair and made the decision that we had the space in our hearts and lives to welcome another little baby. We decided that Dylan would make a wonderful big brother, and we dreamed up a little brother or sister for him.
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One year and seven months ago, after a play-date with a friend which left me so tired, I had to ask my mum to look after Dylan whilst I had an afternoon nap. Later that evening, after a knowing look from her, I took a test and discovered there was a little person growing inside of me, a little squish.
One year and six months ago, the bloke and I nervously sat in the hospital waiting room, whilst Dylan and my mum enjoyed a slice of cake together in the cafe. We were taken into a dark room, and it was seconds before we saw a beautiful little heartbeat flickering away on the screen - we saw you for the first time.
One year and five and a half months ago, it felt like there was a little butterfly trapped inside my tummy, I felt flutterings, that made me feel so nervous and so excited at the same time. I lay down with my eyes closed, tuning into your movements, wondering what you would look like, whether you were a little boy like I thought.
One year ago today, I worked my last shift at work before embarking on maternity leave. It was a long day but my body was coping well and I had no signs that your arrival was imminent. I waitressed all day and then walked three miles home, enjoying the beautiful sunset and the crisp winter evening.
One year ago tomorrow, I held you for the first time, my tiny newborn baby, my little squish. I delivered you in a perfect water birth, saw your beautiful big blue eyes, your tiny curled up fists and fell even more in love with you than I already was
51 weeks ago, you finally found your name, and we agreed that you were our little Archie.
Friday, 14 February 2014
Lost My Name Giveaway
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
The little things mean a lot
I have had the song with the same title stuck in my head for weeks now. I love the sweet tune and the beautiful words. It sums up my view on the world so perfectly. The little things really do mean a lot.
It is the bloke bringing me a drink of water when I have forgotten one,even though he has already sat down.
It is the bloke bringing me a drink of water when I have forgotten one,even though he has already sat down.
It is my busy toddler stopping for a minute and asking for a cuddle from his mummy
Monday, 10 February 2014
My Funny Little Boy - February
My little dude is getting funnier by the day, and he knows it. He says things just to get a reaction throughout the day and nobody finds him funnier than himself! He also comes out with those silly lines that make me smile, even though he has no idea how cute he is being, and here are a few from the last couple of months:
Me: What do you think Father Christmas may bring you for Christmas?
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Me: What do you think Father Christmas may bring you for Christmas?
Dylan: I don't know . . . An Omlette!!!
I have a kiss for you my darling mummy.
I have a kiss for you my darling mummy.
Can we go and see Father Christmas? He lives with Mickey Mouse in the mountains!
Dylan - 'I am going to bring you toys like Father Christmas brings the boys and girls that are good' - followed by him handing out random toys of his to the three of us.
Mummy I have done a stinky poo, do you need to put your top over your face?
Dylan: Can I have a chocolate please Mummy?
Me: Ok Dylan, you can have one. Pick one and I will unwrap it for you
Dylan: Can I have this one please
Me: yes
Dylan: What's it going to be?
Me: It is going to be a chocolate Dylan
Dylan: Maybe
Me: I think it is!
Dylan: Maybe it is
*I open it*
(bearing in mind this is late January)
Me: What are you going to be when you grow up Dylan?
Dylan: An astronaut
Me: And what do you think Archie is going to be?
Dylan: A Santa
I have a little wee wee coming, and a big one . . . and a huuuuge one. It will be amazing!
Mummy I have done a stinky poo, do you need to put your top over your face?
Dylan: Can I have a chocolate please Mummy?
Me: Ok Dylan, you can have one. Pick one and I will unwrap it for you
Dylan: Can I have this one please
Me: yes
Dylan: What's it going to be?
Me: It is going to be a chocolate Dylan
Dylan: Maybe
Me: I think it is!
Dylan: Maybe it is
*I open it*
(bearing in mind this is late January)
Me: What are you going to be when you grow up Dylan?
Dylan: An astronaut
Me: And what do you think Archie is going to be?
Dylan: A Santa
I have a little wee wee coming, and a big one . . . and a huuuuge one. It will be amazing!
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Change- SP
As we entered the year which will see me turning 27, see the bloke celebrating his 30th birthday and which we will spend with our two beautiful children, I have been thinking about change. About changes I have made.
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Four years ago I would never have dreamed that at 26 I would be a mother of two,spending my days chasing my son around the park, making playdough seats for lego men and stacking cups twenty times in a row just to see that cheeky smile as the littlest one sends them tumbling. Four years ago I couldn't imagine a Saturday night spent watching X-factor and trying to pick the photo that best captures the sparkle in my son's eyes ready for a blog post.
My job title has changed, my focus, my reason to get up in the morning. My hair is tied back more often to protect it from yoghurty hands and my jewellery is safely away in a box to keep little fingers from ripping it off. My bank statement features fewer shoes and more soft play and top of my wishlist is no longer a designer handbag but a full night's uninterrupted sleep.
In many ways though, I haven't changed. I still dress the same way, have a shoe collection to rival many high street stores, eat far more junk food than is good for me and love drinking ice cold cider in a sunny beer garden.
Parenthood has changed my life in so many ways but I like to think I am still the same person, just with different priorities. I have tried to maintain a sense of 'me', the one that existed for 23 years before I became a mother, the one the bloke met and fell in love with. I make an effort with what I wear, putting a little make up on in the morning and doing the things that make me feel human after umpteen night feeds.
I rarely spend money on myself but was lucky enough to be offered a treat thanks to Barclaycard's new website Bespoke Offers. With offers for all sorts, from toys, to fashion to hotel stays, I couldn't resist the temptation to choose something for myself, something the pre-baby me would have done without a single thought, but which I now struggle with, tending to head to the childrenswear department as soon as I get into a shop.
It took a lot longer to get my body back after the second pregnancy, not bouncing back nearly as fast as I had after Dylan but I am finally feeling happier in my skin and back into my pre-baby skinny jeans. I treated myself to some gorgeous skinny jeans and an oversized black jumper, both from ASOS.
I rarely spend money on myself but was lucky enough to be offered a treat thanks to Barclaycard's new website Bespoke Offers. With offers for all sorts, from toys, to fashion to hotel stays, I couldn't resist the temptation to choose something for myself, something the pre-baby me would have done without a single thought, but which I now struggle with, tending to head to the childrenswear department as soon as I get into a shop.
It took a lot longer to get my body back after the second pregnancy, not bouncing back nearly as fast as I had after Dylan but I am finally feeling happier in my skin and back into my pre-baby skinny jeans. I treated myself to some gorgeous skinny jeans and an oversized black jumper, both from ASOS.
Disclaimer: Featured post
Thursday, 6 February 2014
We are going Skiing!
In just over a month, the bloke, the littlies and I will be boarding a plane, and heading off to the resort of Puy St Vincent for a family holiday on the slopes. We will be donning warm jackets, salopettes and goggles, and attempting to ski without falling over too many times!

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We are so excited to be working with the lovely folks at Snowbizz, the family ski specialists, and we are hoping for a stress free, exciting and amazing holiday. With coach travel straight from the chartered flight to the accomodation, creche facilities available all day, and ski lessons from 3 years, it looks like the perfect place to make our debut on the slopes, and to enjoy time as a family.

We are looking forward to some adult time whilst the boys enjoy the creche facilities, sledging, snowman building, swimming in the outdoor heated pool and enjoying some French cheese.

The Mummy Adventure is all about the adventures of parenthood and I think this is going to be an amazing adventure! I will be sharing all about our experiences flying with children, learning to ski and our family ski experience over the coming weeks.
As it is a first for all of us, we would love to hear any advice, suggestions or ideas you have for us, so please leave a comment!
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Two and a Half
It has been two and a half years since I held my first newborn baby in my arms and this busy toddler has come so far in such a short time. At two and a half, Dylan is a unique little boy, with a smile that melts my heart, eyes that sparkle as he is having fun and a heart of gold.
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At two and a half, Dylan is a chatterbox, stopping only to eat and sleep. He talks all day long, narrating his life, asking questions and learning about his environment. We haven't yet got the 'why' but I think we have every other question under the sun.
Monday, 3 February 2014
Children and Family Finance.
At the moment, the concept of money is still limited to pennies, and Dylan much prefers the chocolate kind. He sees money being used on a daily basis though, and has his own silver piggy for saving his own pennies. A couple of months ago I was invited to a dinner with the people at Voucher Codes to discuss children's attitudes to money and how they understand family finances.
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