Due to the fact we were on holiday the entire time I was 17 weeks pregnant, this update is rather late, but the bump shot was taken on time, hence the slightly different background. After the slow first few weeks, the second trimester seems to be flying by!
My energy is finally starting to return, but I am definitely finding my own limits. If I have a good day, I am fine, but too much physical exercise makes me feel weak, and I spend a lot more time sitting down than I am used to. In general I am fine if I am on the move but I find standing still very hard and struggled on the buses and tubes in Italy last week as I was never offered a seat, and sometimes would be standing for 30 minutes at a time.
I am definitely finding I get out of breath easier as well, as my uterus must be pushing up towards my lungs. Apparently it should be nearly at my belly button now, but I know it is pushing other organs out of place.
One thing I am still very aware of is how frequently I need to eat. I feel my body starting to crash if I go more than a couple of hours, especially if I am busy, so I make sure I always have a snack or fruit juice on me, as life with two toddlers can be pretty manic, and I often forget to look after myself as well. This is a symptom I have in all my pregnancies, and I know it is not an issue at all if I manage it well.
I am definitely feeling more flutters this week, although still no real kicks, but my placenta is low and at the front, so I won't expect them for a few more weeks. I have a doppler, even though I swore I would never get one, and I love listening to baby's heartbeat a couple of times a week, just for that extra reassurance. It seems baby likes cake already though, as I always seem to feel the strongest movements when I am eating it. If that isn't an excuse to eat more then I don't know what is!
I think bump growth is definitely slowing, as the bloating subsides and the baby comes through, but my shape changes so dramatically throughout the day. The photos I am using for these updates are early morning, when my belly is at its smallest - it looks at least twice as big by the evening though!
I had my flu jab last week, which wasn't too bad, and a midwife appointment too, where I got to hear the heartbeat on a proper doppler and have a little chat. She took more details about my previous babies and their sizes, so she can make a growth chart, and keep an eye on little pretzel - I am hoping he is no bigger than his brothers, but we shall wait and see. It isn't long now until our 20 week scan, and I plan to find out the baby's sex if possible - then the shopping can really commence!
Whilst we were on holiday, we did buy the baby a little something though. In each pregnancy, we have gone on holiday, and each time we have bought the bump back a present, so it was compulsory really! The bloke always chooses it as well, and Pretzel has a beautiful penguin sleepsuit to grow into. We haven't started shopping yet, so it seems strange looking at clothes that are so tiny!
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