Thursday, 11 February 2016

4 Months Pregnant

I am 4 months pregnant, or 18 weeks-ish.  I am considering 4 months to mean I have 5 months left until my due date.  I blogged fortnightly through my last two pregnancies and whilst I want to record this one just as well, I think monthly posts are the way forward this time.

I am four months pregnant with this fourth baby of mine and things seem to be speeding up.  The most overwhelming symptom this time around has been tiredness and unfortunately it isn't letting up much.  I seemed to get my energy back for around two weeks, but it is disappearing again and I am starting to get the feeling that this is the way the next 22-ish weeks are going to go.  I don't need to nap every day, so long as I get plenty of quiet time, don't walk too far or do too much and eat regularly.  Mostly I do need a lie down at some point in the day and the fact that the bloke works from home is making life much easier.  He is able to supervise the boys for a while whilst I get some rest.

My bump popped out very early and still changes shape dramatically across the course of the day.  There is very much a bump first thing in the morning, and it is pretty sizeable too, but by the end of the day I look far further along than I should.  My cravings change daily other than creme eggs which I eat by the carton.  I remember being the same with Archie, I think my body just likes sugar in pregnancy (and when I am not pregnant too to be honest!).  I am mourning the old style creme eggs with the lovely dairy milk chocolate, but the current ones will suffice for now.

I am struggling with blood pressure, or what I assume is blood pressure like I did with all the others.  I can go from feeling ok to being about to pass out pretty quickly and I have sat in the floor of a supermarket recently as I knew I would pass out if I didn't.  I have to carry sweet snacks with me as I can usually feel a faint spell coming and sugar helps a little.

My skin is still incredibly dry, especially on my forehead and I find myself using serums and oil on my face before bed every night and smothering it in moisturiser every morning to try and hide how dry and flaky it is.  I am not even close to that pregnancy glow I remember starting about now with the boys and I feel like my face looks grey and tired most of the time.

We had a private scan at 16 weeks where we found out our Britney bump is a little girl.  I am still waiting for this to be confirmed at our 20 week scan before I really do much shopping, but it is pretty exciting and terrifying knowing there may be a little lady joining our family this summer.  Whilst my heart told me this was a girl from the beginning, my head argued that another little boy was far more likely and I am still getting over the shock!

This month I have been doing a lot of thinking about my options for the birth and at the moment my heart is set on a homebirth - something I will write more about another time.  We have been discussing the sleeping arrangements too as whilst our house has plenty of living space, it is only three bedrooms and there will soon be six of us in here.  The boys are excited and understanding much more, although Finn is still oblivious and Archie hasn't got the memo about not climbing on me yet.

I am not yet half way and I am trying my hardest to savour this pregnancy as it is our last.  It is much harder when I feel so rough most of the time and I am not feeling the baby kicking yet either but I know I will still look back on this part and wish I had enjoyed it more.  I love having a bump and realising what amazing things our bodies are capable of.  I can't wait to meet this little person inside me who already has very long legs (Every single antenatal scan with every single child of mine the sonographer has opened with a line about how long baby's legs are!) and three big brothers to love her.  I can't wait to see her again at our anomoly scan and my shopping wist list is getting out of control!

This picture is from after dinner at 18 weeks, I haven't been great at remembering to take regular bump shots so this is all I have.

4 months pregnant, 18 weeks pregnant, 4th pregnancy, big bump


  1. Your bump is beautiful! Fingers crossed your tiredness calms down a bit but it's a brilliant help that Ed works from home too. Eeeek good luck for your home birth :-)

  2. Hey congratulations, your bump is gorgeous! Fingers crossed for a smooth sailing through your pregnancy. LA :)

  3. What a lovely bump. I feel permanently tired this pregnancy, literally shattered and I struggle to get energy. I have a little bit in the morning and then it is like this fog just goes in front of my eyes from about 12 o clock until 7 when the girls are in bed and then I have a tiny bit of energy until about 9! I just found out my iron levels are super low so that could be a reason. x

  4. You always have such a beautiful bump!!! I was about that size when I gave birth though.

  5. Aw lovely bump.seems to be going so quickly

  6. 4 month pregnant is reportedly the best and most comfortable period of your pregnancy, so enjoy! You may even begin to feel your baby kick this month, though many women report the feeling to be more like a flutter at this early stage.


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