Thursday, 18 February 2016

What Makes Our Perfect Holiday

In most ways we work really well together as a family.  We are not morning people, we all have a bit of a sweet tooth and we are as messy as each other.  When it comes to discussing the perfect holiday though, there is a big divide.  We all have our own agenda when it comes to travel and our preferences are quite different.

Mama loves the sun.  My dream holiday would involve swimming every day, cocktails on the beach, watching the sunset as we eat and thin summer maxi dresses.  I find it hard to go back to somewhere I have already been when there is always somewhere new to explore and my perfect holiday would have a mixture of relaxation and exploration.  I need novelty, whether it is trying a new food, a new sport or a new culture or going completely off the beaten track.  

The bloke loves the snow.  His dream trip would involve getting away from the driveling rain in the English winter and experiencing a 'real winter', where the temperatures go below zero and hot chocolate is always on the menu.  He wants childcare on tap, the opportunity to have a beer and a very comfy bed to flop on to after a long day of being active.  He loves his red ski jacket and he wants an excuse to wear it! 

Dylan's main priority is a kid club (and secondly bunk beds).  He is the most sociable child I know and he wants the chance to make new friends.  He wants to find children his age who he can do things with and he doesn't really care which country we are in as long as he can make some buddies.  He thrives in new situations and has picked up the phrase 'always have a go, even if you think it is hard' from school and seems to be applying it to life with a passion.

Archie wants a holiday where he doesn't have to wear too many clothes.  At nearly 3 he just wants to walk around in shorts and isn't convinced they aren't suitable for the English winter.  He was born to be wild and he wants space to run and jump and splash and explore with his whole body.  He wants a pool to jump into, sand to bury himself in and ice cream every afternoon.  He wants to be close to us, but with the opportunity to do his own thing too.

Finn hasn't really expressed a preference yet.  He is the happiest baby with a smile on his face all day.  He wants attention from us and from everyone.  He wants people to stop and talk to him so that he can show off his beaming smile and his curly hair.  Finn loves the sun and the snow, the city breaks and the fresh country air.  His perfect holiday would have to involve water as he loves to splash and they would need to be able to cater for his allergies (the French didn't seem to understand the concept of no dairy or egg!).  His wardrobe is better than any of ours and he needs an excuse for more themed clothing.

If you can suggest a holiday that combines winter sports with sunbathing, kids clubs, semi-nudity and accomodating chefs then we would love to hear more, but until then we are attempting to enjoy the warmth of a cosy fire on a wet windy day wearing our summer gear, or the delights of sandcastle building on a beautiful beach in our snow clothes.  We just can't work out what is right for us!

This is my entry to be a Mark Warner Ambassador in the Style Guru category.  Along with travel, my big passion is kids fashion and the idea of planning them not one but two holiday wardrobes is ridiculously exciting!  Finn had a completely snow themed wardrobe on our last ski holiday, with penguins, eskimos and polar bears across his clothes each day - I need an excuse to buy it all in next winter's sizes!! (Plus the boys now have 'custom made' vests)


  1. Cute :) good luck, I think you would be fab as a style guru, and would be great to see your picks for holiday wardrobes! :)

  2. Completely understand the conflicting holiday plans! Hubby loves off the beaten track full on hiking dangerous adventure and well I am a mum, I love adventure but also love safety. When you figure out the compromise be sure to let me know! Good luck in the comp! All the McArthur's are rooting for you!

  3. Cute bespoke MW vests! I'm sure you'd make a great style ambassador with your gang of stylish kids. Good luck!

  4. Good luck with your entry. You have such cute kids. I have no idea what our perfect family holiday would be!

  5. Ah good luck, such a sweet post. Is there any such thing as a perfect holiday? They're all a mad mix when kids are involved aren't they?!

  6. Good luck with your entry. I'm with Finn, huge water fan here.

  7. I love the sound of your winer-themed kids' snow wardrobe! Sounds super-cute. All the best of luck with the competition.

  8. good luck, I love the little vests

  9. Aaaw look how cute they all look!

    Good luck x

  10. Absolutely love these pics and your post - have been wracking my brains about snow and sun, but am sure you could find sun and snow on a proper snow/ski holiday (although it wouldn't be warm!).It's great that your son loves kids clubs so much - lovely he's so sociable!

  11. Love their vests! I am really enjoying reading what everyone looks for in a holiday x

  12. Good luck with the comp hun! Lovely photos, fab vests and i do love that fire burning in the background x

  13. good luck with the comp xx I love to see a roaring fire


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