Friday, 5 October 2012

We are having a . . .

There was a lot riding on it - £20 in fact! I had my hunches, not as strong as last time but they were there and the bloke had his too.  We agreed to disagree on our predictions and a £20 bet was placed on the gender of the baby.  So who won. . . ?

big brother, announcing second baby, announcing baby gender

How to reveal gender of baby, creative gender reveal

revealing gender with balloons, creative way to announce sex of baby

Turns out a mother's instinct in nearly always right and I was correct in guessing that a second little boy is on the way!  We are so excited and hope that Dylan loves having a little brother to play with.  Congratulations to everyone else that guessed it was a little boy


  1. Congratulations. Two little men x

  2. Fab news!!! Well to be honest it would have been great either way wouldn't it!xx

  3. Congratulations on a blue bundle :) x

  4. How lovely for Dylan to have a little brother so close to him in age. Lovely. X

  5. Congratulations, a lovely little playmate for Dylan

  6. Ahh congratulations on your blue bump!!

  7. Congratulations lovely lady, i so wanted to join this competition but given that i already knew the answer from my facebook timeline, i thought that would be cheating! lol. Soo please for you though and how amazing for Dylan to have a little brother so close in age! They'll grow up having amazing adventures together :) xxx

  8. Congrats. Mama always knows best xxx

  9. Ah wow congratulations hunny :-) congratulations to you all. So now what about names? This is so cool :-) am grinning from ear to ear. Am so happy for you all sweetie :-) much love xx

  10. Aw, this is lovely. Congratulations. Your boys will be such good chums, my boys are never stuck for a playmate.

  11. Ah lovely!! The photo sequence is amazing gave me a big smile!!!! Congratulations will be lovely to have two boys to play together x

  12. Found your reveal on Twitter! Congrats! So much fun!

  13. Congratulations to you all!!!! Ahhh a mummy's instinct is always right. Hope you're feeling well.

  14. Woo Hoo! Congratulations!!! :) x

  15. Mummy always guesses right. I love this post. It's a genius and fun way to announce the news to Dylan.

  16. I think it is lovely to have two children of the same sex close together- they are going to be firm friends. Congratulations and a lovely way of announcing it.

  17. Oh how lovely! Congratultions !

  18. Congratulations, I kind of thought so all along too, that bump is too round and perfect to be a girlie!! Love your announcement x

  19. Aww what a lovely way to announce the news.

  20. I was wrong! #fail! lol! Congratulations though honey that's fab news, they will be so close and good play mates. You won't need to buy anything else either!!! lol! Congrats again and fab way of announcing xxx

  21. So cute. I love having two boys close in age, they are best of friends. Congratulations xx


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