Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Becoming a Father

The bloke and I were unprepared for pregnancy and I don't think the reality of having a baby hit us until there was a tiny little newborn in our arms.  I like to think we both adapted well and Dylan's birth will always be the best and most life-changing day of my life.  It was the day I became a mother, found a new purpose and realised just how big my capacity to love someone was.  I think being a mother, you find that love and protection is usually instinctual.  We have nine months to bond with this foetus growing inside of us and I loved feeling him kick knowing that nobody else knew what was going on - our own secret communication.  When Dylan was born I felt like I already knew him and that he had always been a part of my life.

father and son asleep together, toddler on a plane

The bloke took to being a father straight away too and right from the beginning would enjoy an hour of time alone with his son every night whilst I got some uninterrupted sleep.  He would pop Dylan on a cushion on his lap and enjoy him being there as he watched TV or played on his computer.  As the little dude grew he would change nappies, bathe him and feed him dinners and he loved pushing him proudly round in the pram. It wasn't until Dylan
became more communicative though, and especially since he became mobile that I have really seen him come into his own with parenting.

childhood wonder, father and son

Suddenly the boys have their own little club, their own games and ways and their own routine.  Every weekend when I have my lie in I can hear them both giggling away doing I don't know what and it makes me smile knowing they have such a special bond.

first time on an escalator, father and son moments

Being on holiday last week I got to see just how close they had become as we enjoyed a whole week of family time - no interruptions and no distractions.  Watching them playing together in the park, watching them walking along holding hands and dancing together to the street performers.  Watching the bloke pick out toys and clothes he thought Dylan would like and insisting on buying him certain things as presents and souvenirs was amazing and I feel lucky to have had a child with such an amazing father.

doting on daddy, father and son in park, adoring father

I think the newborn stage can be intimidating for a man as they do not understand this little person and are usually helpless as we found milk solved most issues and the bloke hadn't worked out how to lactate yet.  Once the baby starts to interact more there is no stopping them though and I can't wait to see them kick a ball around the park together, learn to ride a bike and all the other father-son things the future may hold.  I can't wait to wake up in the morning to the sound of all three of my boys making monkey noises, playing games or running up and down the living room enjoying time together.  I love watching the bloke be a daddy and I love watching Dylan's face light up when he gets to spend time with him.

my boys, daddy and baby, father son, baby tigger costume


  1. i agree totally. its much easier for the dad's to come in to their own as the kids get a little bit older and respond more to them. they are so attached to their mummies (and boobs) as babies. sounds like a lovely time away. B

    1. Thanks for commenting - I think some men need to be responded to as well to know they are doing things right?

  2. How much do I love this post?! Those pictures will be treasured forever so well done you for capturing them. I feel very similar about my OH - such a wonderful feeling to have such undying support for one another xx

    1. Thanks so much, I love all the pictures but forgot to add my favourite one that made me want to write the post! Oops!

  3. What a lovely post xxx I agree it must be so different for the daddy ;) I'm sure my OH felt exactly the same - in fact I'm sure he was totally lost! And slightly like a third wheel at times xx fab pictures too xx

    1. Until baby is a bit more independant I don't think there is a lot the man can do at the beginning but it is so lovely to see them become great fathers

  4. What a lovely post an I think that being boys they will definitely be firm friends as they get older. Mr E was hands on the second Mads was born, in fact he was more hands on than me, and changed all the nappies in the first week- something that shocked me considering there are no children in his or my family.
    One of my favourite things is to watch Mads with her Daddy- he adores her and because she is a girl he is super soppy and offectionate with her, sometimes I have to sit back and just let them get on with it- I'm old news now. ;)

    1. Sounds like you got a good'un there! Sounds like Mads is a proper little daddy's girl too! I love watching my boys and they don't stop giggling the whole time they are together! One of the best things about going back to work was knowing it gave them a whole day together every week to enjoy each other's company!

  5. Lovely post! It's great to hear you have such a fantastic bloke and that he does so much with D. My hubby is so good like this too and I agree it's lovely to sometimes sit back and watch. I have a great pic of our little girl snuggled into daddy's shoulder as he played on his xbox! lol! I love listening to them playing in the bath on a night too


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