Thursday 4 October 2012

20 weeks Pregnant

20 weeks signifies that major milestone - half way there!  These first 20 weeks have been exciting, tiring and busy and I am looking forward to the new 20.  Here is my bump photo:

On the Inside

I am having some really tiring days and they are very unpredictable but all in all still feeling good.  I am getting really out of breath walking home from the local town - although it is all uphill and I have a little chunk to push up it I never struggled before.  Still no cravings, heartburn or sickness so generally enjoying this middle stage.

Baby is a proper wriggler and I feel proper kicks now low down in my tummy.  The bloke has been feeling them too as we have a strong little baby.  I love feeling all the movement and Squish starts kicking as soon as I sit down!

On the Outside 

Bump has really slowed down growing now but it is getting harder and feeling more pregnant.  My skin is feeling great and my hair is thicker so I know I am in the lovely second trimester. (not that you can tell from this terrible photo!)  I am living in my Crave maternity jeans at the moment and have been busy buying winter maternity tops. Wearing normal clothes is becoming risky as I don't want to stretch them so I am pretty much  always in maternity or bought-to-be-stretched stuff.

The Scan

We had our twenty week scan and everything is good with the little one.  Squish would not stop wriggling but was very co-operative showing all the body parts to the camera when required!  The sonographer confirmed that baby is currently breech with legs extended which is why I am feeling low kicks and higher bubbly movements.  Baby is not measuring nearly as big as Dylan was at this stage and is only just above the average lines - there is hope for me yet!  We do know the gender and all will be revealed very soon.  In the meantime you have only a few hours left to make a guess.  You can also check out my other pregnancy posts here


  1. My bump has slowed down too, which I am kind of pleased about. I haven't got thicker hair or nicer skin, if anything my hair is dryer and so is my skin. How rubbish!!!

    1. I am pleased as I remember how much it changed every week in the second half! x

  2. Glad all went well lovely! Don't keep me in suspense! I am very excited to know :-) xx

  3. Glad you are feeling well! I can't wait to find out the gender :)

  4. You're looking great. I LOVED being pregnant. Really enjoyed myself, and the excitement and build-up to meeting a new little life. Will be reading with interest xxx

  5. Ahhh you look lovely - I am so very jealous, I loved being pregnant!

  6. Yey! Glad all went well honey. xxx

  7. Congratulations on hitting the 20 week stage. I am currently at 24 weeks with my second child so we're close together. Your bump looks fab, far more compact then my own! My own breathlessness comes and goes in phases with this pregnancy so it will likely not stay for you. Enjoy the second trimester :)

  8. I loved the second trimester, I never had massive amounts of energy like I thought I would but it was when I felt my best. I've just seen its a boy too, congrats :)

  9. You're looking great! I am pleased its all going well xx

  10. So pleased you are keeping well. You look great x


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