Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Baby Show

I adore my gorgeous little boy but it is lovely to have a bit of time sometimes just me and the bloke.  Ironically we decided to spend a day away together visiting The Baby Show at Earl's Court.  We had a lovely day exploring the stands as expectant parents and making the most of some fantastic offers from some of the companies.

tots bots, fluffy postThe baby show is the place to shop for all your baby needs from pregnancy through to toddlerhood and the exclusive discounts mean you can't help but leave with a bargain.  We caught up with brands we already love and discovered plenty of new ones. We bought some lovely clothes for Dylan and all sorts of gorgeous bits for little Mr Squish.  We also spent time checking out the double pushchair options ready for next year.

The stall we looked for first was the last one we found and that was the lovely
Tots Bots.  We love our reusable nappies and after meeting the team in February it was lovely to catch up and pick up the new Super Pooper nappy for the little dude.  They even had a fluffy post box which was worthy of a photo!

We bought some more gorgeous bits from Me and I, even after having a party to show off their new range earlier in the week.  We bought a lovely T-shirt for Dylan and a gorgeous romper for Squish so they will both be looking very colourful and cute!

ergo cocoon, baby swaddle, ergo pouch
We went to visit the Ergo Pouch guys as we loved our Bamboo sheet sleeping bag and wanted to get one of the swaddle sleeping bags ready for our new arrival, and came away with two, so we are nice and ready for the first few months!  Dylan had to go into his big cot much earlier than we planned as his startle reflex meant he woke himself up a lot in the night bashing his hands on the side of the crib.  We are hoping that these gorgeous swaddles will mean Squish can stay little for longer as we can keep his arms snuggled up with him.  They also have poppers so they can be used with arms out - perfect if we get another little thumb sucker!

We checked out plenty of buggies from Cosatto's gorgeous colourful collection, Stokke's amazing warm winter pack and the new to the UK range from Joovy.  Trying to persuade the bloke that the children should share a room so we can have a whole room for the pushchairs doesn't seem to be going too well!

pushchair gloves, stokke explory winter kit, snuggly pushchair, winter pushchaircosatto Yo!, ahoy there, pirate pushchair,

We met the lovely people at Shnuggle who have created a gorgeous moses basket that stays quiet even with a wriggler and we now have the perfect sleeping place for our precious newborn when he decides to turn up.  I got asked frequently if we were buying our last minute bits before an imminent arrival so it is safe to say the bump is looking round and large even with nearly four months left until d-day!

23 weeks pregnant, baby bump, baby show

We had a fab day out made even better by seeing the amazing Muse in the evening followed by a night away in a hotel.  I am looking forward to the February Baby Show although as it is only a couple of days after my due date I can't guarantee we will be there!

 Did you go to the baby show?  Pick up any fantastic bargains?


  1. Sounds like you had fun, I loved the show this year, was much roomier and alot of fab deals, your bump is looking blooming xx

  2. sounds great i am gutted we couldn't get! I LOVE the cosiness of the Stokke winter pack! wow! I want to climb in! lol! I've just showed your pic and asked my hubby where he thought you were on in your pregnancy and he thought you were further than me so I must have a small bump again considering we are week for week. I've felt big too! lol! Hope you are ok honey xxx

  3. Your banner photo is stunning! Love your blog!


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