Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Snap Happy Britmums

So for the month of May, I am joining in with the Snap Happy Britmums photo challenge. Everyday, they post the prompt, and I post a photo.  I love taking photos, and blogging is really encouraging me to try new things so here goes.  I will be tweeting them every day and posting my favourite ones here.

Day 1 - 1st thing in the morning

morning smile, baby smile, snaphappybritmums

Dylan is not one of those babies who wakes up crying.  Quite the opposite in fact, he wakes up babbling away to himself, and for the first two hours of the day he is happy and content to entertain himself while I struggle to wake myself up.  I love his happy morning attitude, but have no idea where he gets it from!



  1. So sweet. My baby girl is 7 1/2 months now and a proper entertainer. Love the layout of your blog by the way. x

  2. What a lovely picture. I don't know where my boy gets his morning grumpiness from... I'm a proper morning person, but he wakes up crying every day!

    1. Don't know where D gets his happiness from. Perhaps they were swapped at birth. . . ?

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on the red/orange saga. Love your blog. What a gorgeous photo, Dylan is as cute as a button and you obviously have a talent for taking photographs. x

    1. Thank you! Blogging has really inspired me to take more photos

  4. Really gorgeous photo and I love your Header image too :)

    1. Thanks, loving the new designs, feels much more personal now


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