Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Cheeky Wipes Review

We made the decision to start using cloth nappies when Dylan was two months old, however it has taken us another seven months to get round to cloth wipes.  It seems silly that we waited so long, as we are doing the extra washing anyway, and Dylan was not immune to nappy rash.

We discovered Cheeky Wipes at the baby show but it was not until last month that we actually started using them.  The pack comes with everything you need for your first year of reusable wipes, all in a handy case. (The oils will run out after about 12 months but can be replaced very cheaply)  It consists of:

A fresh box
A mucky box
A fresh travel bag
A mucky travel bag
Oil for the fresh wipes
Oil for the mucky wipes
25 cloth wipes
A mesh bag

reusbale wipes, cheeky wipes

The system is very easy to use- you fill both tubs with clean water until they reach the marked line, and add 1-2 drops of the corresponding oil into each tub.  Everything is colour coded with the fresh set being in blue and the mucky bits in green.  The mesh bag fits in the mucky tub to make transferring the wipes to the washing machine that much easier.  The fresh wipes soak in the water and oil, and are kept damp and removed when needed.

The first thing I noticed when using the cheeky wipes, was that Dylan's nappy rash as good as disappeared.  Although we use only the sensitive disposable wipes, they still contain unknown chemicals that can irritate his skin.  These wipes use fresh water and are much kinder to his little bot.  I also found that they lasted longer, with one or two wipes being plenty even for the dirtiest of nappies.  The flannels were soft and absorbent, and left his skin feeling smooth and clean.

Using cloth wipes isn't without the extra work.  It takes maybe two minutes every other day to fill up the tubs.  Nothing really is it? One of the biggest shocks was realising just how many wipes we get through though.  We average about 3 packs of disposable wipes a week!  Not only is that incredibly expensive when you think of the cost over 2/3 years of nappies, but it is also terrible for the environment.  The cheeky wipes kit cost only £40.  I'll leave you to do the maths!

My top 5 reasons to try these are:

They save a LOT of money
They are nicer on baby's skin
Emptying the bins less as you are not throwing them away
Easy to use on bums and faces
Daddy friendly

As much as I love the wipes, we do tend to keep them for home use only, and have disposable wipes in the nappy bag.  This is mostly as I am not organised enough to remember to put them in every time, although we have tried them out and about and they work great. 

We tried the Cheeky Wipes full kit, but there are different kits to suit your needs.  The wipes come in a choice of white, pink, blue or bamboo, and there are also a choice of oils.  We love the lavender and chamomile.  

All in all we love the cheeky wipes.  The bloke gets very annoyed when we run out as he much prefers them to using disposable wipes.  We use them on the little dude's face, and he will happily let us, which is bliss compared to the struggle we have with a disposable wipe! They tick all the boxes, working beautifully, smelling lush and easy and cheap to use.

cheeky wipes, cloth baby wipes

Disclaimer:  We were sent the cheeky wipes for the purpose of this review, but all thoughts, photos and opinions are my own.


  1. these sound great we get through far too many disposable wipes and daddy always uses twice as many as mummy and with 2 little ones the washer is on constantly anyway so these could be thrown into washer no problem maybe you could talk company into competition giveaway???
    keep up the great blogging

  2. Really glad you liked the wipes! Great feedback, we'd definately be up for a competition prize, drop us a line.

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