Wednesday, 9 May 2012

A day in the life of a nine month old

Ever wondered what goes on in a 9 month old's life?  Dylan and I took some photos today to illustrate his.

smiley baby, morning baby, sleeping baby

weaning, baby breakfast, munchkin weaning spoons

baby group, sleeping baby, 9 month old baby

9 month old baby, mother and baby, posing

thumb sucking, mummy and baby, nap time

mum mums, baby snack, weaning, 9 month old baby

bubbles, 9 month old baby, baby and bubbles

dinner time, weaning, 9 month old baby, messy eater

baby bathtime, baby in bath, 9 month old baby

daddy and baby, baby biting nose, ready for bed

And there we have it!  The exciting life of a 9 month old little boy!


  1. Great photos! Is that a teething necklace he is wearing?

    1. yes, the amber teething. He has had it on since 3 months old so no idea how he would be without it now!

  2. Aw lovely photos! Looks as though you both had a great day! xx

  3. What a brilliant post:) I'm a new follower:)

    1. Lovely to meet you thanks! Will check out your blog now :)

  4. That looks very fun and busy indeed. My favourite is the dinner photo= classic! x

  5. Fab post! Mine is 9 months next weel, all looks very familiar, ESP the mess at dinner time! X

  6. wonderful photos! I love the bubble pic, and my other favourite is the early morning one. It's fantastic when they wake up all smiley and snuggly! :)
    your little boy is not the only gorgeous one in these photos, btw - you are beautiful!

    1. Your comment has literally made my day thanks :) I was rather impressed with the bubble picture, although D wasn't too sure about the bubbles

  7. Lovely photos, looks like a lovely day!

  8. I love the pic of him crashed out on the mat at baby group. Neither of mine have *ever* done that; it's hard enough to get them to sleep in their beds!

  9. Aww, lovely pics. 9 months is a lovely time in their little lives isn't it? My 2 year old is still fascinated by bubbles, in fact it borders on obsession. She can happily spend a whole hour blowing them!

    Came here via the new Day in the Life Linky :)

  10. Awwww brilliant. Thanks for linking up :) x

  11. awww lovely pictures, have come via the britmums best post of the week. Your little man is just gorgeous X

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


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