Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Congratulations to Me!

Somehow, I have no idea how, I have managed to get myself nominated for the Loved By Parents Blogger of the Year award.  What is even more amazing is that I have made the shortlist!  Along with 4 amazing and established bloggers sits my little name.

I am over the moon to have been shortlisted, and impressed that a little newbie like me has been deemed a worthy opponent.  I have no expectations of winning but getting this far has made me do the happy dance, and encouraged me to keep doing what I love and keep writing. 

If you enjoy reading my blog and think that I deserve such an amazing award then please feel free to go ahead and vote for me (under special awards - blogger of the year - Becky)  right here.  I will love you forever and share all my virtual cakes with you.  How can you decline that offer?

mother and child, loved by parents

There are some amazing products you could nominate while you are there, I love Tots Bots easyfits nappies for best reusable nappy, cheeky wipes for best reusable wipes,  Frugi for toddler fashion and Trunki's paddlepak for swimming accessory.  


  1. have voted Becky. Good luck :-)

  2. Yay well done Bex! Enjoy it, you are doing great! Voting for you right now :-) xx

  3. Congratulations lovely, good luck! x

  4. Congratulations! I've voted for you. Good luck! x

  5. I've voted! Well done! Just enjoying some virtual cake :o)


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