Friday, 27 April 2012

Trunki Day Out Review

When we were invited to London Zoo to see the new Trunki products it would have been rude to say no, so armed with a bag full of nappies and milk, off we went.  They were all set up in the reptile house which was luckily under cover as the rain was relentless.   Dylan has developed a bit of an obsession with his cot, meaning that he will sleep perfectly in itt, or not at all if we are anywhere else.  The first Trunki product was something that may remedy this.

The Snoozihedz are a fantastic invention, consisting of a soft animal face pillow, with a blanket and inflatable insert inside.  When your child fancies a sleep, you remove the blanket, and blow up the inflatable to form a pillow for their heads.  The blanket attaches both sides of the pillow meaning that even a fidget won't get cold as it stays put.

The snoozihed currently comes in blue and pink, but the new range has four new animals, including Pippin the Penguin (my favourite) and Leeroy the Lion.  Purchasing one of these new characters feels great not just on your little ones head, as they donate 50p from each one sold towards the corresponding animal charity at either London or Bristol Zoo.

Dylan loves his, and I love the security of knowing that he cannot kick the blanket under the pushchair wheels anymore.  They are great for carseats, pushchairs, airplanes, anywhere your child may want a little snuggle really.

Pippin penguin , Trunki, Snoozihedz

dinosaur Trunki Snoozihedz

The second new product was the paddlepak's new designs,
aimed at older children than the original blue and pink models.  The whale and shark designs are perfect for children aged 6+ and keep their towel and belongings waterproof even when left lying around the poolside.  The funky bags are done up by a thrice folded top and a buckle, which forms a mouth feature, and these two new designs are complete with teeth and tongue.

The tail on all of the paddlepaks has a handy little zipped pocket perfect for pocket money or other small objects.  It also has the new 'Trunki grip' which is used on the snooziheds to keep the blanket in place, and on the paddlepak can be used to keep a t-shirt or sunglasses handy.

Shark Jaws Paddlepak
The Shark 'Jaws' Paddlepak

We were very  impressed with the new products, and as they are more gender neutral than the previous designs, they should appeal to more children.  Trunki are aware that 'Whilst parents buy products, children make friends with them' and these handy travel buddies are full of personality.

Unfortunately on this occasion even a snoozihed wasn't enough to send Dylan to sleep, and apart from a brief smiley stint around the penguins, he was not too impressed with being so far away from his cosy cot.  He did enjoy meeting Leo (Lifeandtimesoftheworkingmum), Kai and Kels (Alwaysamummy) and had some great new experiences in the butterfly paradise, and seeing the lions and tigers.  I had a great time taking photos, and just as much fun editing them on picmonkey!

london zoo, zoo, penguin, picmonkey photo

butterfly, butterflies, london zoo, zoo
London zoo, zoo, tiger

London zoo, zoo, fishes

london zoo, zoo, penguins

We had a fab day out, even with an insomniac child.  The new products look ace and at only £19.99 RRP each are quite reasonably priced for the quality and personality you are getting.  

Disclaimer:  We had a day out at London Zoo courtesy of Trunki, and were provided with a snoozihed and a paddlepak.


  1. Lovely :-)) I agree the Snoozihedz are fab! I wish I had a Lion as it would be perfect for Leo. I will be giving ours a real test at the end of next month when we go to France! xx

    1. I am eagerly awaiting the adult version!

  2. glad you had a nice time love your phot edits of the animals, Picmonkey is great isn't it? x

    1. I may have developed a slight addiction. . .

  3. The Snoozihedz look great and sound like a fab idea. I may have to get one each for my two. I've not seen the Paddlepaks before though; are they just waterproof bags to take swimming or do they have other uses too?

    1. I think that the main use is for a swimming bag, but they are pretty funky for normal backpacks too.

  4. My kids are already 6 and 3, and the Paddlepaks look terrific. I live in Finland, but will look for them on Amazon...


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