Monday, 2 April 2012

Listography- April Goals

As it is the beginning of a shiny new month, Kate Takes 5 has started a Listography of April goals.  Here are mine in no particular order;

1) I am not known for having a spotless house, in fact it is quite the opposite.  I find it very hard to get anything done when the baby is awake, and when he is asleep I have the blog to write, facebook to keep up with and a lunch to eat without fear of it being snatched away.  My first April goal is therefore to clear my bedroom floor. I said it.  Now I guess I have to do it.  But as I need 5, I shall put it off for just a little longer.

messy room
NOT my actual bedroom

2) To start running a bit more regularly.  My runs have been rather sporadic, unimpressive, non existent since having a baby.  I can count them on one hand, and I still have a couple of fingers free.  By the end of April I would like to be running at least, lets say twice a week (not too ambitious), and be able to get further than a mile before I collapse on the floor in a heap.

3) To have a new look to the blog.  I know nothing about technology. Zilch.  But I do know that my blog could look better, more colourful, more personal, so I intend to make it so pay someone to do this for me before the month is out.

4) To make a start at baby proofing the house.  Dylan is making no signs that he intends to start crawling any time soon, but he turned 8 months today, so he can't stay put forever! We have wires to hang up, dangerous objects to move, stair-gates to fit and sharp corners to cover.  

5)  To finish a book.  I have got very lazy with reading recently, and I love it, so I am hoping that this public declaration will get me back into it.

So those are my April goals.  If you want to read any others then please check them out on the linky at Katetakes5.


  1. All great goals. Glad that's not really your house in the pic! You see - yours doesn't seem too bad now does it!

  2. Your no. 1 cracked me up, priorities eh! ;-) Running, reading, cleaning...they can all wait while baby's asleep just so you can get on facebook, blogger and eat in peace! LOL!! We're all the same aren't we!

    1. blogger has seriously taken over my life! Glad I'm not the only one

  3. Great list! I can so relate to your goals, especially number 1, so much so that I've banned myself from facebook for a week! I also should have had number 4 on my list, oh the joys!

    1. No facebook. . . for a week. . . je ne comprehend pas???

  4. Imagine the difficulty in baby proofing if that really was your house! I am so impressed by people who can run. Walking is enough to wear me out currently!

  5. Great list! I know exactly how you feel about the cleaning - I've got loads to do too and thankfully, our mess isn't as bad as the picture either! ;)

  6. I will hold you to first one! To me, this sounds more like an April fools post :p

    And for everyone else commenting I feel you should know, it wasn't possible to take a picture of our bedroom as its too full of junk for enough light to penetrate the room to allow for a photo to be taken.

    1. Feel free to make a start on it then :p

  7. just need to find my bio-suit... somewhere underneath your junk! x

  8. great list, had to laugh at your picture. Did you see that programme of the guy who had to crawl into his house because he had floor to ceiling stuff! Things are not that bad surely!
    good luck with the running...thats on my list too :)

    1. haha, missed that programme. Things are not that bad but we have accumulated an amazing amount of 'stuff'

  9. With the exception of no. 4, and my list of April Goals, mine would be the same as yours! I was given a Kindle for Christmas and that has helped me read to whole books in 2 months! Whoop whoop! First time since March 2012. Happiness is :) A x

  10. Glad it's not just my house!
    I miss reading too :)


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