Thursday 26 April 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful

It has been a couple of weeks since I last took part in Reasons to be Cheerful, but after writing a soppy post the other day, I thought why not make it a happy week.  Here goes. . .

1)   Dylan appears to have mastered the act of sleeping so well, that he is getting up about half past 8 every day.  This is a luxury I never dreamt of in the early days, and I am enjoying every minute in bed past the seven o'clock that I expected.

London Zoo, Bloggers, mummy bloggers,
Gemma, Laura and I at London Zoo

2)   I had a wonderful day out with Trunki at London Zoo (post to follow) and met some of my blogging buddies, Thelifeandtimesoftheworkingmum and Alwaysamummy.  I spend so much time chatting online to them, it is lovely to put a face to the name.  

3)  After stopping breastfeeding two weeks ago, I feel like my body has finally gone back to normal.  Sad as it is to have stopped, I am enjoying the new freedom and how much easier it is to have a lie-in now!

cloth nappies, real nappy week 2012, pirate duck, wee notions
Real Nappy Week 2012

4)  Real Nappy Week has been a great excuse for some fluffy shopping, and Dylan can now rock his new spider-baby nappy!  I have had two wonderful guest posts on the blog, one from the bloke which is a man's view of cloth nappies, and one from Sarah at Fluffy Dumplings about caring for your cloth nappies.  We also attended a RNW12 event on Friday, and a photo of Dylan in his lovely fluffy nappy should be in the local paper next week!

5)  I had my first shift back at work on Sunday, and actually really enjoyed it.  I was ready to go back and getting that bit of a break from the little dude is actually lovely.  I also enjoyed hearing how the bloke got on looking after Dylan for the day by himself, as any ideas of a 9 month holiday are now firmly displaced from his mind.

So that is my cheerful week! Sorry about all the links, but it looks like I have quite a few happy posts this week!  What has got you smiling this week?

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart


  1. You all look gorgeous- would love to meet you all one day. xx

    1. Hopefully we can all meet up at Britmums!

  2. My reason to be cheerful is the discovery of blogs! I find it really difficult to read my book (one handed) whilst breastfeeding as I keep dropping the page etc. I thought I was restricted to facebook (dull) but now I've discovered a few blogs, yours included, and I have entertainment whilst my little man completes his mammoth feeds (anything up to 40 minutes, is that normal?!?!). Thank you for the cheery posts, your adventures get me all excited for what I have to look forwards to.

    1. Wow, thanks so much for your lovely comment! I haven't managed to read much other than blogs since having Dylan and I find that they come in just the right sized chunks!

      I remember the days of 40 minute feeds, don't worry they speed up. By 8 months it took D about 5 minutes to do a full feed! Enjoy the cuddles of a little baby now as they stop wanting them so much as they grow up!

  3. Lovely post! Been trying to get chance to pop onto your blog all day!

    Glad your shift at work went well :-)) xxx


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