Saturday, 7 April 2012

Slugs, Snails and Puppydog Tails

At the 20 week gender scan we found out that our little bundle of joy was going to be a boy.  I didn't have the patience, or the will-power to not find out the gender, and we prepared a lovely blue bedroom, stocked up on blue vests, sleepsuits and blankets, and thought about what we would name our little man.  

One year on, and it is his turn to make the discovery.  The baby has discovered his manhood.  Mr George bear  has been replaced as favourite toy.  He grabs it, pulls it and holds it.  The moment the nappy comes off it is in his hand, and I don't expect this fascination to end anytime soon ever.  He is a boy after all.

I understand that there are many differences between raising boys and girls.  While I am forcing a smelly teenager to wash a little more often, others will be fighting about how much make-up is appropriate to wear to school and the length of a skirt. But do little girls go down quite the same path of discovery as a baby boy? As a generalisation boy babies are meant to be bigger, lazier and more cuddly than their female counterparts, although I cannot comment on the truth of this as I have no means of comparison.  Does self-discovery occur in the same way though?

3 Reasons that I love having a baby boy:

- Lego. Who doesn't love lego? I know that it will end up everywhere including up his nose, but I have the best excuse to play with it now.

- I can only imagine that a smelly teenage boy is easier to deal with than a hormonal teenage girl.

- I have saved a lot of money on clothes.  Don't get me wrong there are some beautiful boys clothes out there, but for a girl I could have bought dresses and tights, skirts, shorts, dungaree dresses, pretty headbands. . . There is so much more choice!

little dude, newborn baby
My little dude

Of course the biggest difference is what they are made of.  As we all know little boys are made of slugs and snails and puppy dog tails, whilst little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice.


  1. I love having boys and everyone I know with teenage girls say they are a nightmare. Not sure I'm looking forward to having a big smelly, sleepy, lazy couple if teenage boys tho so enjoying all the climbing, wrestling, playing in dirt, trashing the place etc while I can :)

    1. I think that there are challenges with either but glad you enjoy having boys too

  2. I love having a boy too as we get all your great hand me downs lol xxx

  3. Not being a mother, I have no mother-child input. However, being the youngest and only girl of two elder boy siblings, I can say that I was (and still am) the easier of the bunch. One and half of one brother are still quite financially dependent upon my parents. We all still contact them on a daily basis despite not living at home (and for me, the country). It doesn't stop at the grand ol' age of 18.

    From a baby perspective, I once took care of boy and girl twins that lived next door. Initially they were much for muchness, however, once they reached the grand old age of 18 months, I realised the big difference. Baby boys, in particular this one, are more forgiving, funnier, naughtier, cheekier and less needy. Girls figure out all too quickly the art of manipulation. Maybe this just means girls are more intelligent?

    Either way, it really was intriguing to watch them play and I'm sure when Dylan is out and about with his girlfriends in a few months time, you'll see what I'm talking about!

    1. I think that girls are definitely more intelligent ;p I too have noticed that boys tend to be cheeky and Dylan is already showing that side of himself!

  4. Boys are supposed to be bigger, lazier and cuddlier??? I have a tiny boy who won't sit still, even for a cuddle!!! He likes to check his bits are still there while climbing the stairs!

    1. There are always exceptions. He is definitely a cheeky little chap though :p


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