Monday, 30 April 2012

I am going to Britmums Live!

Everything happened rather quickly.  A chat with a friend about whether we should attend Britmums Live! - the largest conference for UK parent bloggers led to us making the decision together that we would go.  Next came the choice as to whether I wanted a sponsor.  I had just decided that maternity pay was not getting me far, and that there are some fantastic companies out there with whom I would be privileged to work with, when the call came through.  Ok, so it wasn't exactly a call, but in 2012 a tweet is the next best thing.

I’m going to BritMums Live

I had an offer to be sponsored from two companies who I could not have picked better myself.

Social Sparkles- a PR company working with small businesses to help them make the most of social media.  A bunch of highly experienced and energetic professionals and friendly as well!

Baba and Boo, who make such beautiful cloth nappies (and we all know how much I adore a fluffy little bum).  Founded by a mum frustrated with the existing choices, they are affordable yet still super cute - check out this tiger print one!  Watch this space for a review and some pictures of my gorgeous little dude in one of these creations.

I am excited and honoured to be working with these companies and am overwhelmed by their generosity in paying for my ticket and travel expenses.

I am so excited about being able to attend this fab event, and with speakers like Ruby Wax and Sarah Brown as well as some hugely influential bloggers I will be picking up as many tips as I can.  I am also looking forward to meeting some of the other wonderful bloggers that I regularly tweet with, and having a bit of time away from the little dude (although I am already nervous about leaving him).

Look out for more about Britmums Live!,  and my fab sponsors, Social Sparkles and Baba and Boo.   If you are reading this and will be at BML! please come and say hi!  I will be the nervous one in the corner with a bottle of wine and a trendy Baba and Boo bag.  I can't wait!


  1. Looking forward to meeting you hun.x

  2. Way to go! Have a great time!

  3. So excited! The babies will be fine and we shall enjoy every moment! xx


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