Sunday, 31 August 2014

Me and Mine - August

Considering all the family events we have had this month, we should have managed a family photo, but the reality is that August has been manic and this was a last minute family selfie this afternoon on my phone.  August has seen Dylan turn 3, Archie celebrate his half birthday, my 27th Birthday and the announcement that we are pregnant with our third baby.  We have enjoyed time off together, day trips out and plenty of fun.  August has been an exciting and exhausting month.

Daddy is loving folk week, having some money in the bank, the start of the football season and Archie turning into a little chatterbox.

Mummy is loving showing off her expanding bump, going for walks with the children without a buggy, Salt and vinegar chipsticks and watching Bones.

Dylan is loving summer club at the nursery, a day out at the zoo with his Aunty NatNat, reading everywhere we go and wearing his wellies.

Archie is loving being out of the buggy more, shouting at people, talking all the time and books.


  1. Lovely picture! So excited about bump... already can't wait to see your first picture as a five :) xx

  2. ahhh what a lovely capture of the fam! Can't wait to see more of your cute bump and welcome your baby to the world. Are you finding out what you are having? Could be a boy and you can have your own soccer team! So lovely. I have six brothers, so I know boys rock! hahaha Lovely photo. #me&mine

  3. Lovely post and pic sounds like a great month!

  4. It sounds like you have had a busy but perfect month! x

  5. Lovely picture. Sounds like you've had a busy month but a good one too, and how exciting about your baby bump...I must have missed the announcement, so congratulations!! #meandmine


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