Friday 13 June 2014

The Beach Life

We are lucky enough to have a beach within walking distance from our house and this year we plan on making the most of it.  It will be our first proper summer as a family of four (as we spent most of last summer in hospital) and it has started well with sunshine, the sand to ourselves and a sneaky ice cream or two. These are a few photos from our week.

baby on the beach, ramsgate, toddler

sandals and socks, toddlers at the beach, ramsgate beach

I do have a toddler who is determined to not only wear socks with his sandals, but to keep them on all day at the beach as well.  Dylan was not giving them up easily!

Ramsgate beach, the mummy adventure, toddler at the beach

Midweek in June we are guaranteed to have the beach almost to ourselves and Dylan took the opportunity to explore.  I let him go further whilst it was quiet and he brought back shells and stones from every expedition.

merry go round on the beach, beach rides, Ramsgate beach, toddler at the beach

A morning at the beach not only leaves them smiling, it means that nap time begins the moment they are back in the pushchair as it tires them out.  On Fridays I have extra children to look after and so Dylan has his nap in my bed.

sleeping toddler

This might be my first beach post of the summer but it certainly won't be my last.  I haven't braved taking my big camera down yet as the sand gets everywhere,   


  1. How lovely to have a beach so near. Looks like your children will be encouraging you to visit it more often too. Happy times. #CountryKids

  2. So lovely to have such a beautiful beach close by. What a perfect way to spend the day. Do love the socks and sandals; they are so determined and individual, aren't they :) #CountryKids

  3. Oh I wish we lived near a beach.
    Growing up in the country is lovely but I can imagine having the beach as your playground is idyllic!

  4. It's wonderful having a day out at the beach with children when the weather is lovely. We'll be doing the same this week!

  5. It'd be great to love close to the beach. Looks fun x

  6. Perfect beach weather, we made it after school one day too, got to be one of the best things about living so close. I have braved my DSLR at the beach before but like you usually take a small one. Your photos look wonderful whatever you were clicking away with and what a beautiful beach you have there. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids and lets hope we have plenty more sunny beach weeks this summer.

  7. Well you know my love for the beach. We seem to be managing a weekly visit at the moment and hopefully we'll keep that up over the summer. You're so lucky to have the beach so close.
    And don't even get me started on DSLRs and sand, those two are NOT friends. Electrical tape around where the lens meets the body is supposed to help stop sand getting inside. I just tend to take a few quick pics and then get the camera tucked away somewhere waterproof/sandproof/windproof.

  8. Awww the beach is full today so were not going there today. But it always offers respite for us when everything is heavy and dark! Such a therapeutic place for me and my son =) #CountryKids

  9. Wow that looks like a beautiful beach, in fact it looks just like one we visit a lot in France but then saw the bus saying it was Ramsgate. I'm so desperate to go to the beach but may have to way until we are on holiday now. #countrykids

  10. Fab pictures. The boys look so sun kissed.
    I hate the beach as I hate sand. It gets everywhere. Lol.

  11. We too live about two minutes from our local beach so spends loads of time down there with our dog! I couldn't imagine not living by the sea now!

  12. I used to love playing on the beach as a kid.

  13. This looks lovely, its great to have a place nearby where you can get outdoors all year round for a variety of family activities! Just a walk and fresh air in the winter and long summer picnic days in the summer. I've not seen the seaside for a long time but we have a beautiful park in our town which is where I like to spend lots of time!

  14. Looks like they loved it!!

  15. Oh you have such beautiful boys! I envy you living so close to the beach - We don't even live walking distance from a decent park! Just town. I've never been to Ramsgate but spent every summer in Herne Bay and Margate as a child x

  16. I am the same I am so nervous to take my slr to the beach with the water and sand but you still managed to capture amazing photos of your beautiful family day at the beach here. Such a lovely post. I look forward to a long summer full of these posts. They make me smile. Lovely Bex.

  17. It's lovely to have a beach nearby. It's a fun and free day of entertainment and kids never tire of it!


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