Monday, 28 October 2013


I am lucky enough to have lots of amazing aunties in my life.  I grew up in a very close family and I want the same for my boys.  I want them to have relatives to play with, learn from and turn to and they are very lucky to have a special Aunty in my little sister.

Aunty NatNat loves
the boys and they love her too. She doesn't live close by any more but we love an excuse to go and visit her, and when she comes down here for a few days.

Dylan is always calling Aunty NatNat on his plastic phone and they have plenty of pretend conversations.  When he does see her, he never stops talking, and loves to tell her all about what we have been up to.  

I love watching them together, my sister and my babies.  I really hope that the boys grow up with the same close family that I was privileged to have as a child.  

We went to London last week for lunch and a walk along the Southbank with Aunty NatNat this week and I took these photos of two of my favourite people enjoying spending some time together.  I love seeing their bond.


  1. Aw this was lovely! I don't have any sisters but I have 3 younger brothers and they all love Sienna to pieces, I love seeing them together.

    Kerry @ Lived With Love! | Mummy, Beauty & Lifestyle blog

  2. That's lovely. I let Addison call uncle Max in london last night as she wanted to tell him she was playing with her giraffe.

    Beautiful pictures. Looks like a fun lunch x

  3. That's lovely. I let Addison call uncle Max in london last night as she wanted to tell him she was playing with her giraffe.

    Beautiful pictures. Looks like a fun lunch x

  4. Your sister looks so much like you Bex. I love the pic of her with Dylan and their cake pops! x

  5. She looks like a lovely Auntie, you've got some great photos of them together! I am so close to my Auntie, we spent so much time together when I was younger. I only have one brother but I hope Lucas will enjoy spending time with him x

  6. I don't have a sister, but I do have one that I've adopted for myself. And the kiddos absolutely love their Auntie Hannah, and she loves them. It's so lovely to see. x

  7. Aww that's lovely. I don't have any brothers and sisters but my husband has a sister and the boys have a great relationship with her. What a lovely picture and I can see many similarities in you both x

  8. how lovely! we are a very small family, so very few relatives

  9. Ahh I live too far from my sis and don't see her very often at all, it's a shame as sisters are very special x


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