Monday 30 September 2013

Sponsored Video - The Right to Sanitation

My little sister has just returned from a life changing trip to Tanzania where she saw first hand the appalling sanitation issues that too many people have to live with.  Having access to clean water and a flushing toilet is something that we take for granted in the UK, but in many countries it is a luxury, and the lack of facilities means more germs and more diseases.

Domestos and the Unilever Foundation have joined forces with Unicef to help support the CATS project (Community Approaches to Total Sanitation).  The CATS program is raising awareness of the 2.5 million people without access to safe toilets and is helping to change behaviours to promote good hygeine. 

The CATS program is already live in 50 countries and its actions have affected the lives of over 13 million people.  Domestos are donating a percentage of their profits from specially labelled bottles and this money will be helping those that most need it in  the Philippines, South Sudan and Vietnam, as well as improving sanitation in India, Indonesia and Brazil.  

The program is educating schoolchildren as well as community workers and making a difference worldwide.  My sister took so many photos when she was in Tanzania, and shared this one with me of a toilet in her village.  Whilst she was on her trip they educated the village about sanitation and HIV, something the people knew nothing about.  This is a really important issue to so many and I am proud to be part of the campaign.

If this is an issue close to your hearts too, then you can also raise awareness.  As well as buying a labelled bottle of Domestos, of which 5% of the price will be a donation, you can donate directly to UNICEF’s world sanitation programme

This post has been sponsored by Domestos, but all thoughts and opinions are completely my own. 

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