Thursday, 5 September 2013

From You to Me

As a Blogger, I love recording our lives online and I already have so many amazing memories I can look back on at any given time.  My love of writing started many many years ago though, before we even owned a home computer and I still love the traditional pen and paper.

I was sent a couple of 'From you to me' books, 'Our Story, For my Son'  to record the boys lives and I absolutely love the sentiment of them.  With a section for every year from birth until 18, the chapters feature prompts that encourage you to remember all the amazing things from the last year.  The hardback books feature titles like 'things that happened in the world this year'  and 'my hopes and dreams for the next 12 months' alongside inspiring and amusing parenting quotes.

I am certainly a soppy one a heart, and these are now a permanent feature of the boys baby boxes.  I will be hunting them out every year the night before their birthdays and filling in the books in the same way that I stop and write them a letter every year to remind them of how far we have come, how many adventures we have had and how much excitement the future holds.

Dylan and Archie's stories are recorded in both a public way and through these books in a private way as well and I hope one day they look back through them with the fondest memories of their childhood.

I love these books and can wholeheartedly recommend them for yourself or as the perfect present for a new parent.  They are great quality, a timeless design and a great reminder to make every year count.  I have purchased some myself previously from their ranges as well as being sent these two to review and I am sure I will be buying more over the coming years.


  1. These look like a lovely idea and so nice that they record beyond those first few years

  2. I bought one of these and and I am slowly filling it in for my four children. I think it would be lovely for them to have!

  3. These books look great! So lovely to record a child's life and as you say, some things should remain private - not always blogged about!

  4. I wish I'd filled these in for my children, it's an excellent idea and something I hope to have time for as a Grandma duty in years to come! :)

  5. What a great idea, I'm off to Amazon to buy a couple for myself right now.x


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