Monday, 15 July 2013

Picnic Time

We may be cooped up in the hospital for the summer, but that isn't stopping us enjoying a good old-fashioned picnic.  The beautiful weather this weekend coupled with a suffocatingly hot ward meant we were over the moon when the nurses agreed to let us take the little man into the hospital garden (albeit with bed attached to him).

We skipped the blankets and bundled on the little man's bed instead with our bread rolls, scotch eggs, cocktail sausages and the picnic staple - strawberries.  

We enjoyed the fresh air and Dylan's cousins made the most of all the toys that the children's ward have on offer.  My little superstar did not even moan when he saw the motorbikes, wendy houses and trampoline, instead finding a police helicopter and an ambulance that he could play with on the bed.  Archie loved the activity centres and the freedom as he is now rolling around all over the place

The fresh air certainly worked it's magic and bed time was much simpler and faster than usual, with the littles settling early enough for me to enjoy the garden again with my laptop and some choccy treats.

We may be missing most of the summer, so we are really making the most of every bit that we get!


  1. Despite the circumstances it looks like a great picnic - I'm glad you were able to get outside, it always makes time go faster and little ones sleepier!

  2. Awwww, I'm so glad they let you wheel the end outside for a picnic. I bet Dylan loved some fresh air. x

  3. I'm so glad that they let you out for a picnic, the fresh air must have made such a difference to Dylan! Looks like you are managing to make the best of it xx

  4. So glad you, and he, got some time outside. Hopefully they'll let u keep doing it when possible as it sounds like it helped him settle at night. Lots of love xxx

  5. Aww I am so glad you all managed to get outside for a bit Bex. I guess this time in hospital is really making you appreciate the little things. I'm always thinking of you all. X

  6. How lovely that you all were able to have a picnic outside. I was reading back through your posts and admire the way you are handling this challenging time. Both of your children look happy. Sending thoughts of quick healing to your son.

  7. Bex, you're doing an amazing job of keeping everyone's spirits up. Can't be an easy summer for zou xx

  8. So great that they let you do that. And such a lovely way to break the monotony of ward living. Hope it wasn't just a one-off and you get out some more now

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Aw that's a lovely idea! I never would have thought of doing that and it looks like all enjoyed time together in the sunshine, despite it being on a hospital bed xx

  11. Hooray for the sunshine and being able to get out and have fun with all the family despite being in hospital. I love all the happy family photos and hope that the brave Little Man gets home soon, thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

  12. Oh goodness this makes the sunshine all the more special. So great you were able to get some fresh air together! Hope your little man gets home soon!

  13. Have been thinking of you, hope all is well.

  14. Aww, Dylan looks like he's coping well with it all, thinking of you x

  15. So glad you've been able to get outside - must be stifling in hospital in this weather! x

  16. Glad you have been able to take Dylan outside x


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