Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Every Single Day

There is nothing quite like a hospital stay to make you realise how special every single day is.  As stressful as it was spending a few weeks on the ward, we knew what was wrong and were busy fixing it.  Other children came in with serious problems, lifelong problems and unknown problems.  We never know what is right around the corner.  Every single day together is a blessing and I am determined to make the most of this summer as we were unsure whether we would see any of it at all.

Every single day is an opportunity to play, to learn and to spend time together.  We are lucky enough to live within walking distance of shops, parks and beaches and this summer we will be there.  When Archie and I had a few hours off from the hospital, we went for walks along the beach, saw friends and went swimming and kayaking in the sea ( It may have been more of a paddle for Archie).

Now we are home, we will not let Dylan's bad leg stop us from getting out and having fun.  It may be a little while before he walks but there is so much you can do sitting and I am determined to do something different and something new every single day, even if it is only something little.

Today, I bought a huge milkshake with all the trimmings and Dylan and I tucked in together, two straws, two scoops.  Somehow we had never yet done this and we giggled as we licked the whipped cream and slurped up the dreggs.  Tomorrow, who knows!  Every single day is a blessing though and after weeks cooped up in a cubicle, I can't wait for our adventures.

Every single day is precious so here is to the start of a fun filled summer!


  1. I love this post, Bex. I think you're fantastic to come through the past few weeks still smiling and still so positive. I'm trying to keep this frame of mind too. We've been at my parents' house for the past few weeks and my boys have barely slept but we're dragging ourselves up and out to do new fun things everyday. We're happy.

  2. I think that last photo is my favourite one you have ever posted! One for a frame to remind them of their little happy days! xxx

  3. You are so right, I have written a right moany post today, but you have reminded me that making the most of each day is important. On that note shall go and stop the toddler hitting the 9 year old and go find something fun to do!

  4. The legs photo is brilliant. I'm so glad you are home darlings. We have 2 tonsil ops booked for 5 days apart this summer so are packing as much into every single other day as possible too. Enjoy those lovely boys of yours. H x

  5. Love this post! Am so happy you are out of the cubicle :)

  6. Aww that last photo is fab!
    Lovely post x

  7. I love this post Bex- so glad your out of hospital and here's to a lovely summer for you and your little family. X

  8. This post is just so you! Full of all the positivity that you ooze and that will have got you through these past few weeks. As you say, there is so much to look forward to and be thankful for, and we should never forget it - even when they're two and four and screaming and hitting each other!! Great final photo!

  9. Ahhhh this is so lovely. I'm so glad you're out of hospital and that we still have summer for you to enjoy. I bet you'll make the most of it having been cooped up for all the hot weather so far. Enjoy! x

  10. Great to see that you are home. What a lovely post, beautiful shots of the beach

  11. lovely beech photos, glad you got out of hospital to enjoy the summer


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