Friday, 1 March 2013

Paternity Leave

The first two weeks after the birth of a baby are a lovely time.  Granted, you may not feel up to making the most of them but that time as a new family is so precious and I have loved the bloke being off work as we learn a new life as a family of four.

Today is the last day of his paternity leave and he will be back to work as normal on Monday morning leaving me to work out a new routine with my two little boys.  

These first two weeks have been magical and having the bloke around has meant I can enjoy those newborn baby snuggles, and let Archie sleep curled up on my chest.  I can lay in bed and watch the little guy sleep and I can feed him as soon as he wants milk, however often that may be.  It has also meant I can sit on the floor and do puzzles with Dylan, kick a football with him in the park and curl up on the sofa with him reading stories.

Archie's favourite nap spot - on Mummy.

The ratio of two parents to two children is wonderful and has meant both boys have had lots of attention and help in adjusting to our new little family.  We have been out for lunches and for walks, we have spent time all cuddled up on the sofa and we have welcomed our newest member as a family.

The boys have cuddles

With the bloke returning to work though, it is all change and I am hoping that we cope with it well.  I haven't quite worked out the logistics of getting the three of us up, dressed, fed and out the house at a reasonable time yet and I haven't worked out how my little milk monster and my energetic toddler will share my time but I know we will cope and that we will find our own ways and routine.  It will never be as simple and easy as these last two weeks though and I can only imagine that cbeebies will play a much bigger role!

My Little Family

Today is the official end of our little honeymoon period although we have the weekend still to enjoy.  I am both dreading the bloke going back to work and am also really excited to jump into my new role as mother to two!  We have had a lovely day out today, fighting over who gets to push the double buggy and enjoying both boys napping at the same time with a lovely mocha and chocolate cake.  We have kept both boys happy even when they were needing attention at the same time and been a family of four.

Wish me luck for Monday morning!


  1. I was actually excited for the hubby to go back to work both times. I just wanted to get started on getting our routines in place and to get on with normal life. It was pretty daunting that first day I had both babies to myself, but I promise it's fine. You just deal with it, and then feel like a rockstar when they've both gone to bed!!! xx

    1. I was terrified about the first day but luckily it has all gone so smoothly and the first time I did bedtime solo I did feel like I deserved some kind of medal! x

  2. I remember the last day of the husbands paternity too it was very nerve wracking. a year on and I love being a mum to 2 now, although its also very tiring and hard work. You will do a great job

    1. tiring, hard work but totally worth it!

  3. What a lovely little family you have xxx I really dreaded my husband going back to work after the 2 weeks but it's surprising how quickly things just become normal again ;) it's so nice having the extra pair of hands for a fortnight though isn't it! xxx

    1. I have just got used to it and now having one would be so easy! I did love the two weeks though x

  4. Ours isn't here yet and I'm already not looking forward to the bloke going back! 2 weeks doesn't seem long and I intend to cherish every minute! Good luck for Monday, though I'm sure you don't need it x

    1. It will be fine and you will cope - I think as long as you are relaxed it all just works! x

  5. It is different second time around as the older child tends to be in more of a routine. I found baby just seemed to fit around, probably because I was more laid back second time around ! Enjoy your weekend and have a lovely week.

    1. Archie is definitely being pushed in to Dylan's routine so hoping he adapts well

  6. I'm really nervous about being home alone with 2 kids and I haven't even had my second yet (6 days until my due date) I feel like it's going to be really hard and I'm not sure how I'm going to manage it although I know I will because you have to lol Good luck for monday :) xx

    Beauty by Emma - Beauty, Mummy & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Hope it is all going well. It is hard but not twice as hard so all good! x

  7. eek I am so nervous too, although again I don't have them on my own much this week as it is my birthday and we are doing lots of stuff. I have them on my own tomorrow and then not again until Wednesday afternoon and Friday! We will be fine I am sure! ;) x

    1. Hope it is all still going well, it is lovely having a little bit of time with just the baby though and I do appreciate nap times even more! x


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