Sunday, 10 March 2013

Mother's Day

I will never forget the life changing moments when I first held my babies.  My heart seemed to double in size and I couldn't bring myself to believe that the gorgeous, helpless little baby in my arms was really mine.  I will also always remember the first time my mum held my two beautiful boys.  I have never been prouder than sharing my biggest achievements with the woman who once held me with the same awe and amazement.

My mum's first cuddle with Dylan at the hospital.
 I come from a close family (despite some pretty horrible teenage years) and my mum is the one person I can always go to for advice and reassurance.  I have learnt to be a parent from her and I am still learning. She has always been there for me and not a day goes past that Dylan doesn't excitedly ask for his 'Manma'.  She is the perfect grandma to my boys - spoiling them rotten, teaching them and loving them.

My Mum meeting newborn Archie in the MLU
This Mother's Day will be my first as a mother of two and I will be spending it with my two beautiful children, but it will be my mum's 26th Mother's day as my mum and I hope I have told her every single one just how important she is to me.  

Happy Mother's Day


  1. Awww, that's lovely. I feel the same about my mum. I don't know where I'd be without her. X

  2. What a lovely post. No better pressie for you Mum on Mother's Day xx

  3. what lovely photo's and a lovely tribute to your mum x

  4. Happy Mother's Day.
    Love your tribute and totally agree that handing your newborn to the first person who held you is an incredibly special moment. X

  5. Lovely post! Hope you had a wonderful day! x


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