Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Big Brother

I can't imagine a bigger change for an 18 month old than suddenly having to share all the attention with a new little person.  After a year and a half of being an only child, Dylan now has a baby brother to share with, and as parents we have two children to look after, to cuddle and to spoil.

becoming a big brother, baby brothers, toddler and baby

I know that every child reacts differently but my little man has taken it all in his stride.  He has accepted the new little member of our family and so far we haven't seen any jealousy.  In fact, after two weeks of life as a foursome, when I took Archie out in the pram it was not the usual 'Muuummmmmy' cries at the door as we left, but 'Buuubbbba' instead! 

Dylan has been generous with his kisses and although he hasn't been bothered about cuddles with the little guy yet, he is happy to snuggle up to Archie and I during feed times.  He hasn't questioned Archie's sudden permanant attachment to me although we did have a confused face and an insistence that the milk came from the kitchen rather than from Mummy.

child and baby brother, becoming a brother, childhood brothers

Dylan wakes up in the morning calling out for his Bubba and spends the day checking on him and stroking him.  When we are out in the buggy, he likes to keep checking that he is still in his carrycot and proudly telling me that Bubba Archie is there next to him.  It has made getting him into a pushchair much easier too! 

proud brother, bugaboo donkey, brothers in double pushchair

With the bloke back at work now I am really hoping that his behaviour stays this way as I am so proud of my 'big' baby boy.  I am trying to make Dylan feel as special as possible and am enjoying the fact that Archie still sleeps for the majority of the day but I know things will get harder as Archie gets more demanding.  I am hoping that the wonders of a brother and playmate will make up for the fact that the boys now have to share my attention.

Dylan is such a fantastic big brother and I am so proud of him.


  1. Ahhh, bless him. Good job Dylan.
    Sounds so similar to how my little man was and I couldn't have been happier. But just wait and see how much better it gets as they really get to know each other. The little man literally jumps out of bed each morning, running to see his sister. He loves her to pieces now she's getting interesting.

    1. I can't wait! Dylan is trying so hard to include his brother I know he will love it when he can react! x

  2. Aw good boy Dylan. He sounds like Mads as well, we are lucky to have good big brothers and sisters for our little babies! I also have found it makes getting her into the buggy easier! Long may it last! x

    1. Nappy changes are easier too and Dylan has started holding Archies hand during nappy changes which is just adorable! x

  3. Dylan sounds like he's a great big brother! I'm quite worried about how my little man is going to react when his baby sister arrives (whenever that will be, due in 2 days!) He's 2 and a half and a major Mummys boy so I'm not sure he's going to like me having another baby to look after, he does like to help me though so I'm hoping that if I include him in looking after baby he'll feel a bit better about it, fingers crossed! xx

    Beauty by Emma - Beauty, Mummy & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Dylan has had 18 months of my full attention as he isn't in any childcare so I am sure your little man will be great too. I think as long as you try and include the big brother they love it! x

  4. Ahh bless him! I really hope Iyla deals with it well, I'm sure she will but it's always a worry just because they get so used to having us just for themselves! x

    1. I bet she will be a fab big sister! x

  5. Tears in my eyes, such a natural big brother. The love of siblings is incomparable x

    1. I love that I have given him a little brother. Your girls look like great friends too x

  6. Aw that's lovely x

  7. Bless Dylan! He looks like he is really settling into this big brother business! And Archie is a little beauty! xx

    1. Thanks - I do feel like I got very lucky! x

  8. Glad they are getting along so well! x x

  9. Such lovely pictures of the two of your boys together, I'm sure that they will be best friends as they get older xx

  10. Aww its nice that he's taking it in his stride and just accepted it :) what a clever little boy! Lovely pictures too.

    1. He really doesn't seem to let anything get to him! Such a chilled little boy x

  11. Awww how cute!! Dylan seems like a great big brother!! Well done! :) x


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