Monday, 18 March 2013

Never too cold!

I am a strong believer that children should play outside as much as possible.  I am as guilty as the next person of putting on the TV more than I ever thought I would, but I like to balance it with some good old fashioned outdoor play.  If we come home with muddy knees and scuffed up shoes then I consider it a successful day out.  I think there are so many benefits to outdoor play; the fresh air, the exercise and the mobility skills that my toddler is constantly learning are just a few.  As well as trips to feed the ducks, walks on the beach and trips to the zoo we all love an afternoon at the park.

winter park, outdoor play, country kids

Recently the weather hasn't been too great, but we haven't let that stand in the way and Dylan is not put off at all when I have to scrape ice off the slide before he can go down it.  Obviously we make sure we are wrapped up nice and warm and Archie has been having well timed naps all snug in his snowsuit in the pram whilst we play.  Between the snow and rain, we have been playing football, climbing and swinging at the park and having a great time as we do it.

country kids, playing outside in winter, outdoor play, ramsgate

No matter how cold and windy it is, or how rosy red the little guy's cheeks get,I still have to drag him away from the park (or more often than not bribe him into the buggy with a well deserved banana!)  I have a beautiful sleeper in Dylan and I don't know whether all the fresh air he gets is a contributing factor to this.

fun in the park, park in winter, ellington park

Does anyone else have a crazy toddler so obsessed with the park they will brave any weather?


  1. Lovely photo's looks like you both had fun!
    I agree, it's always great to get out but can sometimes rely on TV too much


  2. We're the same, bad weather doesn't put us off. My kiddies love the outdoors! Our 13 week old baby girl actually prefers outside in her pram than in the house. They are so much more settled out and about than indoors, as I am. We have to get out every day, if we don't cabin fever starts to set in. x

    1. Archie definitely sleeps better outside, I think the countries where you put the baby outside to sleep are actually on to something! x

  3. We love getting out and about, my little man is the same. Lovely pictures too

    1. Thanks, think it must be a toddler boy thing! x

  4. Lovely, my small one is obsessed with outside! x

    1. Dylan would spend all day in the park if I let him! x

  5. I love his outfit! I'm always ready to leave the playground before the boys but brave the cold so they can have more fun ;)

  6. Lovely photos, so colourful and fun. The park is a must for any young boy, they notice the cold so much less than us, till their fingers start to sting with the cold anyway! Thank you for linking up to Country Kids.

  7. Lovely photos, so lucky with a good sleeper

  8. Love the pictures!


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