Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The Essential Ones Review

I may be bias but it is pretty clear to me that my baby boy is completely and utterly scrummy.  I wondered whether I would take as many photos as I did when Dylan was little and it is safe to say my camera phone may as well be glued to my hand.  A lovely bundle of clothes from the Essential Ones gave me just another excuse to snap away, so I will let the photos do the talking here!

essential ones, bright baby grow, gorgeous newborn clothing, blue and white star baby
Cute baby, cute clothes! 

newborn in moby wrap, stretchy wrap, asleep in sling
Fast asleep in the sling.

I love the fact that the whole outfit is matching, from the vest to the scratch mitts and the bright blue is just gorgeous.  The clothes are super soft and I am hoping that he stays little for long enough to get a few more wears out of them!

Disclaimer:  I was sent these clothes free of charge from the Essential Ones but all thoughts, opinions and photos are completely my own.


  1. He really is scrummy hun! And i love the photo of him in the sling- just adorable. x

    1. Thanks, I love looking down at his sleepy face in the sling! x


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