Friday 22 February 2013

Squish's Birth Story

Baby Squish was due on the 20th February, and despite Dylan arriving early I was convinced that this little guy would be late.  I decided therefore to work right up until my due date and went to work on February 16th for my last shift.  Waitressing is physically demanding but I didn't feel like the birth was going to happen any time soon so after finishing  my day I decided to walk the three miles home rather than catch a bus.  I stopped off  at the park on the way back to meet the bloke and Dylan and after a play we all went home for tea and bedtime.   I had no idea  that the next time I saw the little guy he would be a big brother!

The bloke went out for his friend's birthday with a warning that my due date wasn't far away and that he couldn't get too drunk!  As the night went on I started to feel some tightenings but they weren't painful so I presumed it was just braxton hicks.  Just after midnight I decided to go to bed but once I lay down I realised that  the tightenings were getting uncomfortable and sleep was not going to come easily.  The bloke got home after a little while and I told him what was going on, but I still was not convinced that this was labour.

Around half one I decided that this may indeed be the real thing as I was still wide awake lying in bed and things were starting to get painful but I decided rest was the best thing so got out my book.  I had my Labouraide ready and started using the early labour mouth piece when the contractions started.  It was great to have something to bite down on and I think it helped.  By half three I had decided I was almost definitely in labour and started timing contractions.  I found that they weren't consistent with anywhere between 3 and 6 minutes apart and lasting anywhere from 40-60 seconds but they were definitely painful!  I woke up the bloke and we decided that I should ring the Midwife Led Unit to see what they said.  Halfway through the phone call I had to stop talking to have a contraction and the midwife told me to come in to be checked out.

My worst nightmare for labour was getting to the hospital to be told it was not real labour or that I was only one centimetre dilated so I decided to ring a taxi for myself and leave the bloke at home as I didn't want to wake my mum up in the middle of the night for nothing and someone had to stay with Dylan.  

My relaxing room

I arrived at the MLU around half past four and was taken to one of the lovely big rooms by the same midwife that showed me round a few days earlier.  She took my blood pressure, checked babies heartbeat and felt my tummy as I had a contraction.  Her reaction was that they were particularly strong contractions and if they kept up like that then it wouldn't be a long labour.  On examination I was 5cm so I rang my mum and the bloke and organised the changeover.  I had bought my hospital bag along with me but left the baby's at home as I didn't want to tempt fate so I told the bloke to bring it along.

The bloke arrived around half past five and at this point I decided that bouncing on the ball was not enough and I started on the wonderful stuff that is entonox.  It still didn't feel like my contractions were regular and baby still had to descend a bit furthur so I was sure that I had a long time left.  The midwives were lovely and I had a student in with me most of the time who told me that my contractions were still very strong and that she hoped the baby would come before her shift was up.  

At half past six I thought I would check that we had everything but upon asking the bloke for the baby's bag, he let me know that he had forgotten it!  This meant no nappies, no newborn clothes and blankets . . . nothing! We rang my mum but as Dylan was still fast asleep she sent it over in a taxi for us!

At 7am I decided I was really struggling.  I felt like I had only just caught my breath from the last contraction when the next one started.  I had been told to put off the birthing pool for as long as I could as getting in too early could slow the labour down but the midwives thought I was ready and they ran the water for me.  I got in to the pool - entonox still in hand and felt a slight relief on the next contraction thanks to the warmth of the water on my back.

The second contraction in the pool was strong and I felt a pop that let me know my waters had gone.  With the pop I felt a desire to push, but scared that I wasn't ready yet,  felt myself shutting my legs!  With my first pregnancy I had been stuck on the bed and monitored throughout so the sense of freedom and the relaxation at the midwife unit was lovely.  When I told them I wanted to push they told me to just follow my body.  No examinations to check I was ready and no help.  With three pushes my little baby Squish entered the world.  The cord was wrapped around his neck but as he was pulled from the water he started crying before it was even taken off.  He came straight onto my chest and I couldn't believe how perfectly it had all gone and how beautiful my baby son was.

We sat in the pool having a skin to skin cuddle as the midwives waited for the cord to finish pulsating and then the bloke got to cut it.  Squish and I went for a cuddle on the bed and to wait for the placenta to be delivered naturally.

The whole labour was so smooth and fast and I was proud of myself for doing it again with gas and air.   The midwives were really helpful and supportive but not interfering and I felt like I got the birth I always wanted. Squish was born at 7:36am weighing 8lb 5oz but he seems so much smaller than his big brother was! We didn't have a name ready for him and nothing on our lists fitted so he left hospital as Squish.  We were discharged at midday after less than 5 hours as there were no complications and they had had to close the hospital for births soon after I arrived as both the MLU and the labour ward were full!

Swamped in a newborn snowsuit

3 days later, on his official due date we finally had the perfect name.  I had never even considered it until I was in labour and then it came into my head, but it took us a few days to make sure that it was as perfect as he was.

One hour old- Baby Archie


  1. Congratulations! Welcome to the world, Archie :-)

  2. Ahhhh, I'm so glad he's here. And has a name. And is gorgeous.
    Welcome to your new adventure as a mummy of two. I promise you, it rocks! X

    1. It is lovely to finally have a name for him! I did worry that he might stay as squish for the 6 weeks!

  3. Well done! A great birth story. I'm glad you got the version you wished for. Welcome to the world Archie, I hope you have a wonderful time! x

  4. That is such a lovely birth story and the prefect name! X

    1. It was a lovely birth - I definitely want to do it again! x

  5. Such a lovely story - can't believe the bloke forgot the bag :-)

    So impressed you're blogging again already! Do link up at this week's Friday Baby Shower if you've got a moment - Alice xxxx

    1. I am blogging left handed as the baby is fast asleep on my right arm! Takes ten times as long hehe x

  6. Welcome to the world Archie.

    Sounds like a wonderful birth, hope I have one like that should we have any more!

    1. So pleased with how everything went and already wanting number 3! hehe x

  7. What a lovely calm birth you had. Welcome Archie!

    1. It was better than I could have imagined and I am so thankful for that!

  8. Glad you got your water birth lovely! Amazing isn't it!
    Archie is beautiful xx

    1. It is! When/if I have another I definitely want the pool again! x

  9. lovely name, goes well with Dylan. Glad you got the birth you wanted :) I've still not managed to have a water birth, but mainly because both happened so fast there wasn't time, so I can't really complain ;) x

    1. I only just made it in really! Would love to have the same experience again though x

  10. I am hugely jealous of your labour. It sounds perfect. Glad little squish finally has his name. Very matching to his little face cxx

    1. It was amazing. I hope that you have a nice labour with sweetpea! Not long now x

  11. What a lovely story and a gorgeous baby boy! You made your labour sound like a breeze! I'm due with my first in May and the fear is now starting creep in - thank you for sharing your story - it has helped reassure me a little! x

    1. I think there are so many horror stories it is nice to share the good ones too. Of course labour is bloody painful but I loved it and can't wait to do it again! Hope yours goes well x

  12. So refreshing to hear of things going so well! Lovely birth story hon and gorgeous name! Lovely to meet you Archie! x

    1. I am so happy that things went well and would go back right now and do it all again for those amazing first moments! x

  13. Reading stories like this so make me want to try for a natural labour. Welcome to the world baby Archie, he is truly gorgeous!

    1. I enjoy labour as weird as that sounds - of course it is painful but it is so exciting as well!

  14. Congratulations!!! So pleased you got the birth you wanted, i wanted a water birth but sadly wasn't allowed one. Archie is gorgeous and i love his name. Can't wait to meet him x

    1. Thanks! We need to get all the little ones together! Was so excited to get my water birth this time as always wanted one!

  15. I love reading happy birth stories! Welcome to the world Archie. Congratulations to you all xx

  16. Aw, congratulations. It's so lovely when everything goes at least as well as you hope x

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Beautiful birth story and such a great name! Welcome to the world Archie x

  19. I'm really glad the birth went so smoothly and how you wanted. That's really great and well done you for managing so much shortly before giving birth. I certainly couldn't have kept up with you!

    1. I don't know whether staying so active meant my birth was easier? I find it so hard to just sit still though even heavily pregnant! x

  20. Wow, it seems that you had such a smooth birth. I hope mine is somewhat like yours!

    Bump to Baby

  21. wonderful story!! happy for you that you had an easy labour! I used gas and air and it didnt work for me. And i am a bit afraid to have another baby because of this pain. may be in a few years time:)

  22. congrats! what a wonderful birth story!

  23. Aww only just read this after reading your letter to Archie. Sounds like the perfect birth, so nice to read a lovely birth story x


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