5 x 0-3 month Vests
I remember how fast Dylan outgrew newborn last time so we have gone straight for 0-3 months this time with the idea that this will be another chunky baby. If he does come out smaller than expected then we do have some newborn vests at home just in case.
5 x Newborn Sleepsuits
Although we have packed bigger vests, I couldn't resist the teeny tiny newborn sleepsuits from Mothercare and I am sure they will fit for a day or two at least (I hope so!) I don't have a specific 'coming home outfit' for Squish so whichever sleepsuit he happens to be in will be perfect.
3 x Newborn Hats
Having a winter baby I am going to be dressing him all snug and warm and found some dinky little hats that match the sleepsuits so he will look adorable!
5 x Muslin squares
These were my staple item for the first nine months of Dylan's life and I used them as cot sheets, to wipe up sick and dribble and as breastfeeding covers among other things. These are one of the only things I haven't got new for the hospital bag as I did end up with so many last time!
2 x Scratch Mitts
Even though the sleepsuits I have chosen have inbuilt scratch mitts, I felt like I should pack a couple of pairs 'just in case'
1 x Booties
The best thing about winter babies is all the cute and snuggly accessories!
1 x Newborn Snowsuit
I want to make sure Squish is lovely and cosy when we take him home and I love newborns in all white so I bought this gorgeous penguin snowsuit from Kiddicare
2 x Blankets
I am sure I will only need one, but I just couldn't decide so I have thrown both in! There is a lovely white and rainbow Frugi blanket and a knitted colourful one that I chose from Mothercare.
20 x Size one nappies
Self explanatory really!
4 x Cloth Nappies
I have packed four gorgeous and tiny Tots Bots Teenyfits. I love the idea of using cloth from birth, but I am not sure if I am brave enough yet as I do remember how revolting the meconium really is! I have the option this way and will see how I feel when Squish is here
Baby Wipes and Cotton Wool
I intend to use cotton wool and water for all nappy changes in the first few days so I have packed a pack of cotton wool, but never understimate a newborn - baby wipes may well be a necessity!
Swaddle Blanket
We never swaddled Dylan but I fell in love with these gorgeous swaddle gro bags from Ergo Pouch at the baby show and have one ready in the newborn size to keep my new little man all cosy and help him sleep.
I will also have a newborn Car seat of course to take the little guy home in! I have managed to fit most of this into my new changing bag but I have to admit that the blankets are in my bag now as they just wouldn't fit.
As you can see this fab changing bag makes a perfect hospital bag and I can't wait to have a tiny baby to fit into all these gorgeous new things!
Disclaimer: I was provided with a Pink Lining changing bag free of charge but all thoughts and opinions are completely my own.
I'm very interested to hear how you get on with the nappies and whether you do go cloth from birth! Looking back, I sort of wish I'd done it last time. When (if) we have another, I'd definitely like to try, but like you have some reservations!
ReplyDeleteWe started when Dylan was 2 months and love them and I think a newborn would look so cute in them! Will write about it if we decide to give it a go! x
DeleteYikes that has come round quickly! It only seems yesterday you made the announcement! It all looks very prepared, just need a Squish now x
ReplyDeleteIt has flown by but I had Dylan at 38 weeks so need to get sorted now! x
DeleteThat bag is lovely! And all the little outfits are so cute :-) I'm still quite a few weeks off needing to think of my hospital bag but this post has been helpful to give me an idea of what needs to come with me. Good luck! x
ReplyDeleteI am writing a seperate post with my bag as I couldn't fit it all in onw. It is lovely packing up the tiny little sleepsuits! x
DeleteI actually really fancy a pink lining changing bag after seeing this post! I may look out for one eBay as they are quite pricey (in my opinion) on the website.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the inspiration! Could you possibly make a post about the things that you pack for yourself/birth partner please? :-)
8 weeks + 2 days to go!
I just need to finish off a couple of bits and that post will go up later in the week! I love Pink Lining bags and think there is a sale on now?
DeleteNot long until you can start packing - good luck! x
Your bag is so similar to mine. Not only do we practically have the same change bag (mine is a different pattern) but you've basically packed all the same things. Lots of people thought I had packed too much stuff but I used nearly all the baby clothes. And you can never be too prepared for sicky, pooey, dribbly babies. X
ReplyDeleteI do love your bag too! Just re read your post and I feel like I have even more packed but I guess the weather will be a bit colder than when you bought the beautiful girl home. Hopefully I am prepared for everything! x
DeleteI just posted about this too- yay for us both being organised! I love your pink lining bag, I am taking pink lining to the hospital too but have a new changing bag this time once baby is home. x
ReplyDeleteNeed to read yours and see what I have forgotten! Pink Lining is definitely the way forward for hospital bags it seems! x
DeleteHey honey great post. I've got a Pink Lining Changing bag too they are lovely aren't they? Sounds like you have it all covered! eek not long now! I went to hospital like a pack horse! lol! Jodie I have a post on my site as to what I packed for myself too http://amummysview.wordpress.com (just type maternity bag or hospital bag into the search x
ReplyDeleteI will do check that out right away, thanks ever so much! x
DeleteGood job you had yours packed early! I am not that organised but finally done! x
DeleteGetting excited for you now. Try boots own flushable inserts for cloth nappies put one inside nappy and then simply flush or throw in bin great for newborn and can use cloth straight away
ReplyDeleteWe do have some flushable liners already that I need to cut in half - I just can't bear the thought of staining the gorgeous little nappies! Being silly really. Will definitely write a post if we manage it from birth though! x
DeleteWhat a lovely bag - you definitely seem all organised. I remember the meconium, I had to hide my baby wipes from the midwife as she didn't approve but cotton wool just wasn't doing the job !
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to stick with the cotton wool but it is the most disgusting thing isn't it! x
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ReplyDeleteHow exciting!!!! That bag is lovely, and looks so big. Not long too go now!
Thanks, not long at all! Saw the midwife today for what was hopefully my last visit! x
DeleteLovely post! Very cute baby stuff, and lots I haven't thought of - am linking it to my blog. Like the idea of having 2 separate bags too...
ReplyDeleteI'm due 23 March, gender a surprise, and as its my 1st I have to say I've planned a very cute yellow get home outfit. But as you say sizes have been so difficult so have everything from tiny newborn to 1 month to 0-3 months and will have to see what pops out!
Sasha @ The Happy Baby Project
This is a gorgeous bag!