Friday, 15 February 2013

Ruby and Ginger Nappy Purse Review

It won't be long until I need something close to a suitcase to take out every thing I need for my two children so until little Squish arrives I am making the most of not needing too much and travelling relatively hands free.

Ruby and Ginger have sent me one of their gorgeous nappy purses and it has been so refreshing to just pop it in my handbag or under the buggy and skip the big bag!  It easily fits in three nappies, a little pack of wipes (and it comes with a wipe case too), a bib, a spoon and a snack.  There is also a mini pocket in the back which I have put teething powder and calpol sachets in as we are getting through them at quite a rate now!  This is everything I need for a morning or afternoon out and stored in a beautiful little bag too!

Nappy Purse - compact baby changing bag
I love the style and convenience and find it the perfect size for my toddler.  I think when the new baby arrives it will still get plenty of use as I will have two different sized nappies in the bag and this will be a great way to keep Dylan's bits seperate to Squishes.

We are really impressed with the nappy purse and it is such a simple idea!  The handle means it can be easily popped on the pram and it is dirt and water resistant - exactly what you need with a grubby toddler around! It comes in three gorgeous designs too.

Disclaimer:  I was provided with a nappy purse for the purpose of this review but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I appraise your idea..this is really useful and handy bag to carry baby nappies

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