Saturday, 9 February 2013

My Hospital Bag

I have already posted about what I have packed for baby, so I thought I would share what I have packed in my bag as well.  Last time round I was in hospital for 24 hours after giving birth and this time I am hoping to have Squish in the midwife led unit where they like to have you out within 12. I like to be prepared though so my hospital bag has all the essentials for an overnight stay.

I have packed:


These come first on the list as they are by far the most important thing I will need!  I have given it a lot of thought and gone for chocolate chip cookies as even if it is really warm in the room they will still taste delicious and not melt too much

Maternity Notes

After a slight panic last week when I couldn't find them, they are now firmly tucked in my hospital bag so the midwives can see how my pregnancy has progressed.


I am hoping for a water birth so have a bikini packed ready!

New PJs

I don't think I understood quite how I would feel after birth last time so this time I have a gorgeous pair of Melba maternity pajamas to help me feel clean and relaxed after the birth.  They are specially designed for breastfeeding and I have the matching dressing gown too so pretty sure I will be the best dressed on the ward!

Nursing Nightie

I have been sent this lovely nursing nightie and have it ready for labour as I don't think I will be in the pool the whole time and I can't guarantee there will be one available.  It is lovely and loose even with my huge bump and much softer than a hospital gown!  It also is designed for breastfeeding so would be great on the ward afterwards.


I am definitely a slipper kind of girl and it was choosing which one of my 5 pairs to pack that was an issue! I love having cosy feet and this is my big home comfort.

I am really interested to try this natural pain relief method, it basically looks like a gum shield, but the idea is that biting on it stops your jaw from locking shut and can help keep you relaxed in labour.  Not sure how much I trust it to work but I am willing to give it a go!

Nursing Bra

I have a Bravado nursing bra ready for the hospital stay and at home.  My nursing bras from Dylan are looking rather well used now and so it is lovely to have a nice new one ready to wear.

Nobody warns you how difficult breastfeeding can be and although it is the most rewarding thing, taking care of yourself does make it easier.  This little pack comes in a handy bag and has breast pads, cooling pads and cream to make the first few days easier.

Going home outfit

I am packing an oversized jumper, leggings and my bravado nursing vest for the trip home as I know comfort is the most important thing, and hiding the very wobbly tummy is a close second!

Big pants

Thongs are definitely not an option after childbirth! Rather than buying disposable I have a few pairs of old pants that I can throw away afterwards as I think they look so much more comfortable!

Maternity Pads

As glamorous as they look and unfortunately rather necessary!


I have minatures of my favourite shampoo, condition, shower gel and perfume as well as some moisturiser and creams so I can have a nice relaxing shower afterwards.

Phone charger, Phone, Camera

All for the obvious reasons - I want to capture those perfect moments when I get to meet my little baby for the first time!

Can you think of  anything I have forgotten? My bag looks nice and full and hopefully this means I am all ready for the little guy's arrival!


  1. Eeeeek, it's so so so nearly time now. I'm so excited! I always love the bit where you pack the bags, it makes it feel really real.
    The only other things I took were smellies and socks. I had a bag with miniatures of my favourite smellies, plus hair bands, grips, basic makeup etc. I found both times that after the exhaustion of labour, the it was the little things that made me feel human. In fact a bit of makeup and putting my hair up while the baby slept made me feel like a million dollars.
    And lots of pairs of socks. I had cold feet in labour both times and socks were a necessity. I bought new ones, because new socks are just lush!!

    1. I completely forgot about those bits! I have a little list on top of my bag to add my make up bag and hair straightners when we need to leave. I feel so much more like me with a little eyeliner on! Will be adding some socks now too!

  2. This is very exciting :) I did a small bag for my hubs too with some snacks / toothbrush / spare tshirt and change for the car park.

    I used the pool too so had some bobbles / hair grip / headband to tie hair back. I had some flannels for when I wasn't in the pool so hubs could help keep me cool xx

    1. The bloke is definitely planning on packing his own bag of snacks but leaving that up to him. Need to pack some bits for Dylan as well as he will be off to Grandma and Grandpa's when the big day comes! Hairbands are a necessity - just popped some of those in too! x

  3. Something to drink! Hospitals are so warm I found myself getting really thirsty but think we only had Coke 2nd time round- some cold water would have been better! Flip flops for the shower and a bag to hang in it as I seem to remember there was nowhere to put anything- or maybe some of those suction hook things?!
    All so exciting! Looking forward to hearing about the MLU too xx

    1. Last time I had a bottle of water with a sports cap and it was brilliant! Need to make sure I pick up one of those this week to go in the bag too. x

    2. We took Capri suns too - very refreshing x

  4. Getting ever closer... Tee hee. Come on baby!

  5. Oh the Laboraide sounds interesting! Might have to have a look, anything to help sounds worth a go to me! x


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