Friday, 19 October 2012

22 Weeks Pregnant

I am now 22 weeks pregnant, over half way!  The last two weeks have been very busy and somewhere in the middle my bump appears to have 'popped'.  Here it is at 22 weeks;

22 week bump shot, 22 week big belly, 22 week belly button pop, second pregnancy, 22 weeks pregnant

On the Inside

Still feeling great although there were a couple of times last week where my body started telling me to take it easy even though my head wanted to carry on.  We had probably walked ten miles by this point though so it was my own fault for not being a little more careful.  The baby is still breech as I feel his kicks very low in my bump, almost like he is trying to walk inside me and I feel his hands exploring higher up.  I love feeling him move still and the kicks are getting more pronounced.  Luckily it is not strong enough to be waking me up although I can't sleep for longer than two hours without needing to turn over as my hips start to hurt in the night.  I now have my 6ft pillow in bed with me now which is very comfy although the bloke is not so keen!

I have spent the last two weeks eating an awful lot of omelette and kitkats (not together. . . yet) and am wondering if these are my first ever cravings as even writing about them is getting me desperate for a late night snack!  

On the outside

As you can see my tummy now enters the room several seconds before I do.  I am even more restricted on what clothes I can wear and am in all maternity or extremely stretchy things.  At 21 weeks I had to take my belly ring out as my belly button popped out (- about 15 weeks earlier than it did in my last pregnancy!)  We spent last week in Barcelona and I got offered a seat on every train we went on which makes me think I am very noticeably pregnant now!  I love having a big round bump and am looking forward to seeing quite how big I will get this time!  I am looking forward to my midwife appointment soon to check on my growth and to hear how Squish is doing.


  1. Wow Look at that beautiful bump :) Hope everything's going well.

  2. You are looking lovely- I have recently also started noticing that I get aches and pains when I overdo it, much earlier than with Mads, but i guess running after a toddler will do that to you.x

    1. I am blaming the toddler too and all the bending over and lifting that we have to do

  3. Wow, your belly button popped out at 21 weeks!!! Mine is on its way out now (hit 26 weeks Weds) and reckon it'll be fully out soon enough. Love your bump!

    1. I can't believe it happened so early! So much earlier the second time x

  4. What a great bump , and a great outfit to show off a great bump.!! Glad your pregnancy is going well *exciting times*

    1. Thanks for your comment, I am really enjoying it again x

  5. Your bump looks perfect. I Cant wait to get one of these for myself, i love the photo diary too

    1. I love having a bump and can't wait to see how big it gets! Looking forward to hearing about yours in the near future then!

  6. Sounds like you're enjoying your pregnancy and that's quite a bump at 21 weeks.

    1. Thinking it has to slow down soon but not seeing any signs yet! Thanks very much

  7. You have a beautiful bump, glad it's going well x

  8. that is a lovely bump, wish mine was neat like that again. I am all over still lol! I am getting the low kicks too. Sometimes a bit too low on the old bladder! ha ha! I am sat here now thinking oh god no... think the heartburn and indegestion has just hit. I hated that last time! Glad all is going well with you honey. xxx

  9. Wow, look at you! Where's your michelin tyre? They seemed to just appear on me and haven't gone - 13 years on :-(

    CJ x

  10. You look amazing, what a perfectly round bump you have. Glad all is well x

  11. Wish I had looked as glam as you when I was pregnant - glad it's going well x

  12. Wish I had looked as glam as you when I was pregnant - glad it's going well x

  13. What a lovely bump! Sounds like all is going well x


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