Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Day 8- Amusement

The seaside brings to mind certain staples; fish and chips, seagulls, ice cream cones, beach huts, sunshine and of course the arcades.  A hub of colour and noise, the clink of the pennies, the music from the dance machine and the children running around asking for more.  A cheap day out with fresh air and family fun.

Dylan's first visit to the arcades started with a fight through the ice and snow (pushchairs and snow do not go), and ended with a very tired little boy.  He seemed overwhelmed with stimuli and fascinated with the bright lights and colours.  We played on the two pence machines in the hope of winning a fake Elvis Presley driving licence, and try as I might, I failed to win him a teddy in a zebra suit on the 20p grabbers.

baby and aunty, arcade
Living so close to the beach, i'm pretty sure that the arcades will be a back up plan for years to come, the fun and the relative cheapness is a winning combination, and it worked a treat brightening up our icy day today.  Dylan (pictured with his aunty) was in sensory heaven.


  1. My son was like that the first time we took him too, now he enjoys it for a nano second before tantrum ensues to get out of the pushchair! HAPPY DAYS! lol x
    p.s I am your blogs newest follower! x

  2. Nice to meet you! No tantrums today but maybe it was the novelty.


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